Ola, my name is André Mena Calavia, known in Romhacking.net as RetGal, acronym of "Retro Galicia". This is a fully functional Galician translation patch of Metroid for the original Nintendo NES. Seems I am in a roll, three translation releases in less than a week! Well, I had been working on this one two years ago (before the translation of Metroid II for the GB) so I had almost everything done... I wish! After two years without touching this project I realized I remembered nothing about the tables used, where the data was or what I had even translated already... so in the end it was almost like starting from zero. Just to set the tone, the main issue why I left the project was because I modified some letter tiles (specifically "J", "K", "W" and "Y" since they are not part of the Galician alphabet and as such they would not be used for the patch) to create stressed vowels, but those letters where used in the password system. This is, passwords like "JUSTIN BAILEY" would not be valid anymore if I modify those tiles in the password screen, and I needed to reconfigurate them in order to make it look nicer. Dead end, it seemed... that is why I considered to create a translation of the game with the "Metroid + Saving" patch, so I overpass the issues with the password screen. But, alas, that patch would destroy the intro text about the Galaxactic Federation, that was like 40% of the text of the game (at least that was I thought back then), so in that case what would be the whole point of a translation patch. That's why after debating for a few (hours? days? every other lunch?) I gave up and jumped to another project. That said, I retook this project yesterday after finishing the SMB translation to end what I started long ago. As I stated before, I had almost no clue what I did and the things I found done I needed to redo in one way or another (tiles, alphabet order, etc). But it was quite fast, at least at the begining. After the essentials (title screen, hud, password screen, game over screens) I found my first obstacle: where the fox were the "Time bomb set" text hiding. After using my unorthodox methods (like creating a table that only had the letters "B", "O" and "M" [for "BOMB"] in their place and check the whole ROM visually) I downloaded the Polish translation patch (it has the "BOMBA WYBUCHNIE" image in its romhacking page) and start to create tables using those "B" "O" "M" "A" letters (patch is short and trial-and-error was affordable enough for me). I placed the letters "A" "B" "M" and "O" in places 0A 0B 16 and 18, check, try 1A 1B 26 and 28 and so on. Finally I found that the table dA dB e6 and e8 was the right one, so I used that table in my ROM and locate the text at $e352 (quite afar from the rest of texts, honestly). Second obstacle and the worst one was the credits; I had "THE END" converted into "FIN" from my previous work on 2021 but I needed to place it nicely (since as it was the ending displayed "THE FIN"), but nothing too problematic; the hardest thing was to find a spot to place myself in the credits, but it was terribly difficult to do it in those awful looking credits (not only how it is displayed but also the code in ROM is horrendous); it was also tiring that every time I loaded it on emulator I needed to spent almost a minute (and increasing in every step) to check if everything was advancing right; and honestly I hit with every sin under the sky here, with destroying screens full of garbage tiles, names that were floating around, ghost letters that appear at the very end of the roll, palettes swapping randomly... after all I gave up and reduced the text "PARCHE Ó GALEGO" ("Galician patch") to just "GALEGO" and place it in the less criminally-visual place I found... sorry "Harada" and "Penpen", I know you are nice guys but that abomination that is the credits coding did not give me other choice. After that just some touches here and there and patch done. Feel free to let me know if there is any glitch during your playthrough; Galician may not be the most popular language, but is my mother language and any product related with it may have the best quality. -- Tools used -- Usual: ♦ Tiny Hexer, as usual for reading hex and apply tables. ♦ CrystalTile2, easy enough tool to see and insert modified graphic tiles. ♦ Paint.net, my esential to modify graphics. ♦ Paper and pens. Specific for this project: ♦ None (I did not find any editing tool appart from those to change levels, which is out of the scope of this patch) -- What does this patch change -- ♥ Title screen ♥ Intro message ♥ Hud ♥ Password screen ♥ Game over screen ♥ "Bomb set" text ♥ "TIME" tiles during escape sequence ♥ Congratulations text ♥ Credits (added myself in the cast roll) ♥ "THE END" ♥ Everything translatable in the game, to um up ♥ Added special some Galician letters (Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ñ) ♥ Modified how letters display in the password screen ♥ Modified the appearance of some lower case letters, mainly "g" and "l" to make them look prettier. -- KNOWN ISSUES IN PASSWORD SYSTEM -- • This patch allows to use old passwords just fine, EXCEPT for the letters "f", "j", "k", "w", "y" and "?" that are no longer displayed like that. Here is a table of which letters of the password screen I modified into which ones (and the hex number that codifies esch one): f --> Ñ (-->29) j --> Ó (-->2D) k --> f (-->2e) w --> Á (-->3a) y --> É (-->3c) ? --> ! (-->3e) This is, if you have an OLD password that contains "f" you must replace it with "Ñ", "k" for "f" and so on. This is because the graphic tile was modified, BUT internally they refer to the same hex number, which is the important thing. Just for your interest, the reason why I modified lower case "j", "k", "w" and "y" is because they do not form part of the Galician alphabet, and also were not used in some recognizable passwords ("JUSTIN BAILEY" uses "J" and "Y" so I left them untouched), so I used them to create the Galician letters needed for the patch. Also, the reason why "f" was transformed into "Ñ" and "k" transformed into "f" was due to the "TIME BOMB SET" text, since I needed a "Ñ" for the "FOXE AXIÑA!" text but the tileset only loads up to hex F9 ("f") in that scene. That is why I couldn't just only chance "k" to "Ñ" and needed to make that bypass. This is the very same reason why "?" was also modified into "!". Below I show how the alphabet is loaded internally in the password screen, if it helps you to visualize changes ("00" displays "0", "0a" displays "A", "3a" displays "Á", and so on): 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2e 2a 2b 2c 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3b 3d 3a 3c 2d 29 3e 3f ff All passwords tested work fine if you considere the "hex" value, just need to pay attention to the changed tiles: ♠ "JUSTIN BAILEY ______ ______" ♠ "000000 000020 000000 000020" -- Swim suit, no upgrades ♠ "000000 000000 040000 0000X8" -- Start with Ice Beam ♠ "CONTIN UE_MY_ GAMEMI NIBOSS" -- Swim suit, Kraid and Ridley defeated. ♠ "X----- --N?WO dV-Gm9 W01GMI" -- Ready to defeat Mother Brain (pay attention that "!" tile replaces the "?" in this patch) ♠ "NARPAS SWORD0 000000 000000" -- Invincible PAY ATTENTION!, this advice is mainly for OLD passwords (yours or the ones online); NEW passwords provided by the game after applying the patch will be as they are, so no need to change the "f" for "Ñ" since this "f" has hex "2e". -- WORK IN PROGRESS for the future -- ♣ Make a patch for the "Metroid + Saving" patch of this game, for those who are interested in play with it. -- Contact -- If you find any glich or want to mail me for reasons, you can do it through my Romhacking.net profile --> https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=91332 Have a nice day