------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -BlackPaladin's Poltical Simulation - Planet of Conspiracy: Shancara NES Translation Patch- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************* *Seiryaku Simulation - Inbou no Wakusei Shancara* ************************************************* "Inbou no Wakusei: Shancara" is a game released by IGS Corporation. The best way this game can be described is if the board games Dune and Junta had a love affair, and Shancara was their lovechild. Shancara is a remote planet in the galaxy that recently had its independence recognized by the Galactic Empire. However, the planet must elect a president to represent Shancara and have its independence recognized. You play one of four characters who are vying for power, and you must win by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. You can plays as one of the following characters... Moto (Original name: Minamoto): Moto is a war hero whose had a large amount of his body replaced with mechanical parts and is now a cyborg. He has a powerful personal army at his disposal and is supported by the Technics. Bora (Original name: Borgia): Bora is the owner of the spaceport and can control the trading of ore whenever she sees fit. Whenever someone exchanges ore for credits, Bora receives a cut from the transaction. She is supported by the Trust. Garo (Original name: Garoa): Garo is a nobleman, descended from the first human settlers of Shancara. He holds a large amount of influence with many of Shancara's factions. He is supported by the Ozoriens. Alib (Original name: Alibabu): Alib is the king of Shancara's native population. He owns more mines compared to the other characters, thus, can gather more ore per month than other characters. He is supported by the Kameroids. The game also has twelve factions players can align themselves to. Ozoriens: This is the largest of the factions who represent the human race on Shancara. Garo has the largest sway with this faction at the beginning of the game. Zen Cult (Original Name: Zen Order) This faction composes of believers of their god, Zen, who aim to unite the galaxy under their religion. Support from this faction grants the use of Monks during war mode. Garimpei (Original Name: Garimpeiro): This faction represents the miners on Shancara. Support with this faction grants the use of Galim (Original Name: Galimpei) during war mode. Kameroid: This faction represents the native population of Shancara. Alib has the largest way with this faction at the beginning of the game. Support with this faction grants the ability to command the Kroids (Original Name: Kameroids) during war mode. Trust: This faction represents the workers at the spaceport. Bora has the largest sway with this faction at the beginning of the game. Support with this faction grants the Cybot during war mode. Technics (Original Name: Technocrats): This faction is devoted to the development of weapons and technology. Support with this faction will grant the use of Tarkas (and Amoeba after a special news event) during war mode. Moto has the largest sway with this faction. Empire (Original Name: Galactic Empire): This faction is devoted to having Shancara returning to the Galactic Empire's control. Freemen (Original Name: Independence Party): This faction is devoted to severing all ties with the Galactic Empire and full autonomy on Shancara. Chimaera: This faction represents mutants who are the fusion of humans and Shancara natives. They're a peace-loving species who desire coexistence between both the human race and the natives of Shancara. Albarani (Original Name: Aldebaran): This faction represents the alien race who resemble lobsters who've settled on Shancara. Terrors (Original Name: Terror Faction): This faction represents a band of assassins and mercenaries. B.Robes (Original Name: The Black Robes): This is an enigmatic faction whose ambitions are unknown to everyone on Shancara. After a special news event, players supported with this faction will be granted the use of B.Robe (Original Name: Black Robes) during war mode. The patch comes in two flavors... Political Simulation - Planet of Conspiracy - Shancara (English 1.01).ips --English translation patch (IPS Format) Political Simulation - Planet of Conspiracy - Shancara (English 1.01).bps --English translation patch (BPS Format) The patch requires the ROM with the following hashes... File SHA-1: F299790DDCE5194A583F97D4C7E5EF791D98420B File CRC32: 56111195 ROM SHA-1: 6D528E12F8EC36C747C0E18311B812D83972DBB2 ROM CRC32: C22BC87B Use either the IPS or BPS patch to get the ROM with the following hashes (Don't use both.) File SHA-1: FC04C7DC24A1374D2DB24F338897A9701F0EDFE8 File CRC32: F448B558 ROM SHA-1: 32B285273B7DA40889B2C2F51A84B5416801B47C ROM CRC32: 60726CB6 What's done Translated Title Screen The Japanese text in the game has been completely translated into English All status screens All characters' endings v1.0 Initial release v1.01 Fixed a typo in the introduction text Fixed formatting error on the Zen Cult Assassination news event Shortened line about the Rudra returning to the desert Shortened line about the Black Robes' leader's defeat ************** *Known Issues* ************** When a CPU-controlled player is selecting factions to "bribe", there could be a chance that the cursor will be stuck when it's moved to the "B. Robes" faction, causing the game to soft-lock. This will occur even in the unedited ROM. Special Thanks FCE Ultra Team (Emulator was used to test the translation patch) Mesen Team (Emulator was used to test the translation patch) Nestopia Team (Emulator was used to test the translation patch) YY-Char Team (This program was used to edit the graphics in the game) Longsun Zhao (This person translated the text in the game) Bunkai (Spot translations on some status screens) Cyneprepou4uk (Assisted with the game's DTE code to adapt to Shancara) Pennywise (Helped with enabling DTE in the dialogue) FCandChill (Helped with enabling DTE in the dialogue) Pluvius (Helped with NES ASM hacking) KingMike (His tutorial of enabling DTE was used in this translation patch) Klarth (Programmer of Atlas, Cartographer, and ScriptCrunch... programs used to insert translated text) MG (Beta testing) IGS Corporation (This company created the game in the first place) Famidaily (This YouTube channel introduced me to Shancara) All credits to "Planet of Conspiracy: Shancara" belong to their respective creators and programmers. This patch is mainly for pure entertainment for those who cannot enjoy the game. All right reserved. (IGS Corporation, please don't come after me!)