====================================================== Why another English translation? ====================================================== This was built on top of the excellent work of the Stardust Crusaders patch by Pennywise. I wanted a better title screen, and I wanted the translated text to be more clear to read and have the overall timing of the Japanese to avoid dragging down the pace of the game. The translation was too verbose in places, taking too long to type itself onto the screen and making it harder than neccessary to comprehend. For example the translated attract mode text takes 19 seconds to appear vs the Japanese original taking only 6 seconds. I made the text more succinct across the board and type way faster in the attract mode specifically. The opening cinematic I finessed the text and between- line pauses so the cinematic ends in sync with the music like the Japanese version. Margins were cleaned up everywhere. I wasn't a fan of the title screen logo having a little turd of fire flying across the C in Contra so I reanimated it from scratch as fire and embers from below like the Japanese original. I also wanted an option to keep the original Japanese title screen and only translate the text. More like a subtitled version of the Japanese game, rather than a 'director's cut' of the English game. It's up to you which version you want to use, they're both included here in both .ips and .bps format. ====================================================== Patch Instructions ====================================================== Choose which single patch version you want to use, and apply it to the 256kb Japanese ROM (not the 128kb USA version) Contra (J).nes aka Contra (Japan).nes sometimes called Gryzor(J).nes ====================================================== Background On Contra ====================================================== The Japanese version of Contra used custom hardware in the cartridge to give it animated backgrounds, and had a little skippable cutscene and progress map between levels. In North America, Nintendo manufactured the carts and didn't allow custom hardware, so the animated background feature was removed, and the rom was squeezed to half the size, also removing cutscenes and final boss completion music sting. This makes the Japanese version the intended version, like a director's cut (especially note the living background in the final level and falling snow in the snow level), but the cutscenes are in Japanese so a patch is needed for English speakers to understand the story. The gameplay is identical between Japan and North America except for slightly increased difficulty in the English version (the enemies shoot more). * 30 lives: The Konami code is in all versions At the title screen press Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A before pressing Start for a 1 or 2 player game. You can press Select at any time during code entry to switch between 1 player and 2 players, plus it resets the menu timer to give you more time to enter your code! The Japanese version also has some unique codes: * Stage Select: Hold Up+Left+A, Press Start to begin the game, then immediately hold Select. You can also do this after the Konami code to get 30 lives + stage select. * Secret Ending: before the credits start rolling Hold Start+Select and keep them held until the credits are over. The screen will flash and a secret message will appear. ====================================================== Credit goes to: Pennywise - all the original and difficult hacking MFerraro (@mferraro.bsky.social) - new title screen animation - new translated text for pacing and clearer story - some additional hacking of a couple pointers and timers, and reverse-engineering the original hacks to build over them and separate the title screen.