~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airwolf English Translation Patch Version 1.0 Created by Vice Translations part of Kitsune's Den http://vice.parodius.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREDITS ----------------- Kitsune Sniper Game hacking Email: kitsune_sniper [at] hotmail [dot] com a_nevels666 Main translator EienNiHen, satsu, Tetsuo, filler Additional translation support Project History: ----------------- October 11, 2003 So everything's done. Go play. But be warned... listen to St. John. What's left ----------------- Nothing... or so it would seem. Very special thanks to: ------------------------- Airwolf.org - For providing me with information on the series, long after I'd forgotten about it. I was 8 years old at the time! Copyrights ----------------- Airwolf [series] is copyright of Universal City Studios, LTD. Airwolf [game] is copyrighted 1998 Kyugo. Nintendo Entertainment System, Famicom, Pokémon and all other related names and indicia are Copyrighted to Nintendo. Disclaimer ----------------- There is no videogame company or any other company associated with Kitsune Sniper. In no event shall Kitsune be liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides. In other words, you'd better own the cart for the rom that you're patching, and if something goes wrong, don't blame me!