=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= R O C K B O A R D T R A N S L A T I O N P A T C H V E R S I O N v 1 . 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I N T R O D U C T I O N =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Greetings, fans of foreign games! This project, now completed, allows you to play the Japanese-only game Rockboard, originally released for the Famicom (known as the NES overseas). You need two files in order to translate the game: the game ROM itself, in .NES format, and the translation patch, in .IPS format. You'll have to find the ROM by yourself: we'll NOT send it to you. If you need an IPS patcher or some basic instructions, please visit the project page on the Mega Man PC Website: Dr. Cossack's Lab at http://www.interordi.com/mega_man_pc/. Inside the file archive, in ZIP format, you'll notice that there are two patches available. The first, rockboard_e.ips will turn Rockboard into a full Mega Man experience by using the names used in Mega Man 1 to 6. The second, rockboard_j.ips, sticks closer to the original Rockman names. This allows you to go with the universe you're the most familiar with. The translation is not perfect, but then, that's the case with any project. Being a NES game, Rockboard has little room available to fit the text. As such, several sentences had to be adapted to fit within the allowed space. A few abbreviations had to be used, but not as much as seen in the Battle Network games. Also, the goal of this project is to make the game playable and enjoyable, and not to provide a 100% faithful translation. As a result, some sentences were modified to be easier to understand within the context of the game. IMPORTANT NOTE: You must apply this patch over a non-translated version of the ROM, and not over a previous installation. Otherwise, your file might get corrupted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= H I S T O R Y =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= v1.1 - Some misleading descriptions were changed - A few missing lines of text were translated - A sentence that wouldn't display properly now shows up as expected v1.0 - Everything should now be 100% translated! v0.16 - The results screens are translated. - The character endings for the first level are done. - More in-game text has been changed. v0.10 - The title screen is now completely in English. - Some of the in-game menues have been translated. - The Met Race game has been given a custom font and is now fully translated. - Some of the setup menues text as been improved. - A small part of the in-game text has been changed. v0.06 - First release. - Most of the setup text is done. - The character names have been translated. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= P R O J E C T T E A M =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dr. Cossack: ROM hacking, project leader Servbot #20: General help, tips, etc. Guillermo: Early text translation Elaine: Main translator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= C O N T A C T =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To learn more about this translation, or if you only want to visit a nice, friendly Mega Man website, visit the Mega Man PC Website: Dr. Cossack's Lab: http://www.interordi.com/mega_man_pc/ You can also check on Dr. Cossack's other projects on Interordi.com: http://www.interordi.com/ Elaine's other translation projects are available on Rockman Tanjou: http://tanjou.northmark.net/ Finally, you can reach the project leader at the following address: dr_cossack@interordi.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T H A N K S =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - Everyone who took the time to try this out! - Everyone who pushed us to go on with this project! - Everyone who reported issues with the first complete release! - Dr. Cossack's cat? Not anymore... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= D I S C L A I M E R =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is distributed "as is". We can't be held responsible if... blablabla... blablabla... or anything else that happens while using this patch. Just use common sense. You are free to distribute this patch, but you obviously aren't allowed to sell it under any conditions. It cannot be distributed in the same archive as a ROM file either. You are free to post the ZIP file on your website if you want. However, you must keep this unedited readme file along with the translation patch. It would be nice if you could contact Dr. Cossack to let him know that you're making this file available to the visitors of your website. Thank you! E N J O Y ! January 1, 2009 January 1, 2008 May 11, 2005 June 19, 2001 December 29, 2000