~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Armadillo English Translation Patch Version 1.01 Created by Vice Translations http://vice.parodius.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Version History 2 - People who worked in this project 3 - Notes 4 - Standard Disclaimer Text 5 - Trademarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Version History: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.01 [Size: 8293 bytes / CRC32: 200237cc MD5: 954019549f6bce20d0ad65d0aa6041a7 / SHA1: 7a137256e7e0c87d9e3a300d5d8ecdebbf4ce54d] (November 8, 2007) --- Second, hopefully final, release. The intro screen had some errors (Cheryl & Sheryl?). These were pointed out to me by Skrybe. The game remains the same otherwise. Version 1.00 [Size: 8293 bytes / CRC32: 5bccd579 MD5: d7c3def61f0e3e26fdaf11330fc28d79 / SHA1: cf21769192a53243b9549c26af271d0fa074fae7] (September 15, 2007) --- First release. Everything you can find in the game has been translated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - People who worked in this project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitsune Sniper - Main hacker. Homepage: http://vice.parodius.com/ Email: kitsune.sniper[AT]Gmail[DOT]com Haeleth - Main script translation. Tomato, Niahak, Loek, Ian Kelley - Additional / spot translations. BMF54123 Title screen design and implementation. Skrybe Additional information and materials. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 - Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's one thing you should know about the game - whenever you see a place that says "SUSHI", press up when you're in front of it. The bartenders inside will give you clues about things in the game. Please note that the game is 100% translated as far as I am aware. However, there were several bits of text that I could not find in the game for some reason. There were 53 messages in the main game script, of which less than half are actually used. If you stumble upon a message with a number, please send me an email at the address above as soon as you can with the location where you stumbled upon the number, a screenshot, and a savestate of the place where it happened if possible. I modified the unused parts of the script, replacing bits and pieces with numbers to help me locate any messages that I may have overlooked. Furthermore, the game uses a currently unemulated peripheral called the Battle Box, which was a sort of memory card for the NES created by IGS. This unlocks a few features in the game, but as I mentioned, no emulator supports this as of today. So the features remain untranslated. You may find more information on this item over at the following site (link thanks to Skrybe): http://nestopia.netfast.org/bbox.html There also seems to be ONE small bug with the game: When you beat the final boss, the game sometimes freezes. To prevent this, press A to scroll past the final boss's death speech faster. If the game just stays in the same spot and doesn't show the credits, you have to reload from a savestate to get past that spot. I have no idea why this happens, and it's totally random, but I have to make this known before anyone yells at me. :P Oh, this happens on an unhacked game too, so it's very likely a bug in the original game. And another, final note - BMF54123 created the title screen based on the original Armadillo title screen. The game was previewed in Nintendo Power, but was cancelled. He adapted the screen, so give him your everlasting praise. And Skrybe provided the scan where the title screen came from. Sorry it took so long for me to release this. (P.S. - I fixed the intro for this version. Aheh.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 - Disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no videogame company or any other company associated with Vice Translations [be it current or former members]. In no event shall Vice Translations be liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides. In other words, you'd better own the cart for the rom that you're patching [insert hysterical laugh here], and if something goes wrong, don't blame me! Also, this patch must never be distributed with the rom. The zip file must not be modified in any way, including [but not limiting to] archive renaming, adding a file to the original zip [like a file that indicates where you got the zip file], and the like. And please DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THE PATCHED ROM. Game reproductions using this translation patch ARE allowed, as long as there is very little profit involved. So selling copies of this game on eBay isn't kosher, but making repros is fine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - Trademarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armadillo, all related names, indicia and characters are trademarks of IGS and AIM. All other names and programs mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. Patch (C) Kitsune Sniper. Patch not for sale or rental.