DvD Translations presents Kart Fighter for the NES published by an unknown unlicensed group from China, HK, or Taiwan possibly Gouder Co. or Family Patch Version: 1.0 Release Date: April 2, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello and welcome to the ReadMe file for "Kart Fighter". In this file I've included info on how to use the patch and how to control the characters. ------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: DvD Translations dvdtranslations.eludevisibility.org DvD - Translations/corrections Tile editor Hacker Tester ReadMe author - Everything else Death Gryphon - ReadMe author - Controls - Moves chart ------------------------------------------------------------ How to Patch the ROM file: Original Game ROM Size: 8 16k program ROM banks & 32 8k character ROM banks = 384 kBytes = 393216 Bytes = 3 megabits You need: 1) A ROM file. The file must include the standard 16 byte iNES header followed by the program ROM. This makes the ROM file 393232 Bytes in size. I'm not telling you how to get the ROM file, but for this game, the format of the 16 byte iNES header should be: 4E 45 53 1A 08 20 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Note: There are four versions of the ROM on the net. Good Tools Called the ROM I used, "Kart Fighter (Unl).NES". 2) Patch File: KF_v1_00.IPS 3) An IPS patching program Recommended patching program for IBM PC: Snes-Tool.exe by The M.C.A./Elite Using SNES Tool: 1) Make a copy of the un-patched ROM. You always want to keep the un-patched ROM around for later revisions of the patch. 2) Place an un-patched ROM file with header (I'll call it KF.nes), KF_v1_00.IPS, and Snes-Tool.exe in the same directory. 3) Run Snes-Tool.exe 4) Type 'U' for "Use IPS" 5) Press the down arrow key until KF_v1_00.IPS is highlighted. 6) Hit Enter. 7) Press the down arrow key until KF.NES is highlighted. 8) Hit Enter. 9) Hit 'Q' to quit. Note: If patching the file on a Mac, I recommend UIPS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Playing the Game on an Emulator: For the PC, I highly reccomend FCE Ultra. For this game, go to the "Config" menu and select "Miscellaneous...", then check "Allow more than 8 sprites per scanline." This makes the game look better than it would on an actual NES! ------------------------------------------------------------ Why I chose to translate THIS game: 1) I got bored waiting for Shiroi to get back to me with some enlish text for The Port Pier Serial Murder Case. And I could tranlsate this game on my own. 2) The mispelled or totally incorrect names really bothered me. I thought I should do something about it. 3) I've played and passed all the prequels to this game. It doesn't have any. I have this thing about playing games that are part of a series in the order in which they came out... Why YOU should bother playing THIS game: 1) It's arguably the best Famicom hack game out there. 2) It's probably where Nintendo got the idea that Super Smash Bros. might be a good game to make. ------------------------------------------------------------ Fight Order And List of Name Translations/Corrections Translated/Corrected Name Original Name when different 1) KOOPA NOKONOKO Fight Koopa Troopa in the desert 2) LUIGI Fight Luigi on a wooden bridge over lava 3) TOAD KINOPIO Fight Toad in the forest 4) YOSHI YOSSY Fight Yoshi in front of mushrooms from Little Nemo 5) MARIO MARI Fight Mario on a wooden bridge over lava 6) DONKEY KONG JR - High Score Table DONKEY DK JR. - Battle Fight Donkey Kong Jr. inside a palace 7) PEACH Fight Princess Peach in the clouds 8) BOWSER KOOPA Fight Bowswer in the desert Characters are fought in the above order, but the the chacter being played is only fought after Bowser. Once this final battle wirh the played character is fought, the game simply repeats the battles with Bowser and the played chracter indefintely. If play long enough you can eventually score enough to get your characters name and score in the "Top 8" high score table. ------------------------------------------------------------ Game Controls & Moves Chart: 1) The basic controlls are pretty obvious. But, all the special moves and how to play with two people come from Death Gryphon's FAQ found a www.gamefaqs.com. Death Gryphon's e-mail no longer works, so I was unable to contact him. But, I felt his move chart was important to list here so that folks could have more fun playing this game. Most likely, no manual for the game ever existed, so don't bother looking for one. 2) Non-Battle Controls Controller #1 * Control Pad - Up :Select START game :Select a lower (easier) LEVEL - Down :Select game OPTIONs :Select a higher (harder) LEVEL - Left :Select a different character for player 1 - Counter-Clockwise - Right :Select a different character for player 1 - Clockwise * Start, A, or B :Initiate selection Controller #2 * Control Pad - While on character select screen, Up, Left, or Right:Initiate a 2 player game - Left :Select a different character for player 2 - Counter-Clockwise - Right :Select a different character for player 2 - Clockwise * Start, A, or B :Initiate selection 3) Battle Controls Basic Controls: * Start :Tap - Toggle Pausing the game (Controller #1 only) * Select :unused * A :Tap - Punch These are rather weak but good for holding off your opponent * B :Tap - Kick These are stronger and more useful for hitting a jumping opponent * Control Pad - Up :Tap - Jump Use this to prepare for a Jump Kick or Jump Punch - Down :Hold - Duck Use this to avoid jump attacks - Away from opponent:Hold - Block Use to block opponent's attacks Simple Moves: * Control Pad - Toward opponent :Hold & A :Tap - Throw Throw opponent - Up :Tap & A :Tap - Jump Punch Jump in and punch your opponent - Up :Tap & B :Tap - Jump Kick Jump in and kick your opponent Special Moves 1) Koopa Troopa Charge - Down, Down-Back, Back and Punch Shell Shock - Back, Forward and Kick 2) Luigi Fireball - Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Punch 3) Toad Mushroom Shot - Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Punch 4) Yoshi Green Wave - Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Punch Tounge Lash - Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Kick 5) Mario Fireball - Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Punch Uppercut - Down, Forward, Down-Forward and Punch 6) Donkey Kong Jr. Peel Slide - Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Punch Uppercut - Down, Down-Back, Back and Kick. Note: The Uppercut is useless unless your opponent is jumping towards you. 7) Princess Peach Purple Blob - Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Punch Spin Attack - Down, Down-Back, Back and Kick Hair Swipe - Forward, Back and Kick 8) Bowser Fire Spit - Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Punch Charge - Back, Back-Down, Down, Down-Forward, Forward and Kick ------------------------------------------------------------ Translation Progress History: Patch Version Release Date ------------- --------------- -- April 1st, 2004 - Work Started 1.00 April 2nd, 2004 - Patch Completed * High Score Character Name Translations / Corrections - Complete * Battle Character Name Translations / Corrections - Complete * Health bars shorted 1 pixel so that they don't run into the score OR the character name * Title Screen Hack - DvD Translations - Complete * Since last digit of high score is actually the letter "O", changed the number "0" to look identical. In doing so, all numbers in font for high score and continue screen moved one pixel to align with letters. * Donkey Kong Jr. Shirt's "J" During Character Selection Reversed - Complete Note: During battles, the J is correct when DK Jr. faces left, reveresed when he faces right. There is no way to make it correct both directions. * ReadMe - Complete ------------------------------------------------------------ Software used in this translation: * Emulator FCE Ultra 0.94 by Bero & xodnizel * Hex Editors - Thingy Version 0.98 by necrosaro - frhed 1.0.156 beta 1 by Raihan Kibria * MMC3 Mapper Info Mappers.exe by ? * Tile Editor Tile Layer Pro 1.0 by Kent Hansen * IPS Patch File Creator Snes-Tool Version 1.2 by The M.C.A./Elite * ReadMe Creation Notepad by Microsoft ------------------------------------------------------------ Enjoy! DvD