KingMike's Translation ********************************************* IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! DO NOT PATCH THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE ROM!!! READ THE POPEXP.TXT DOCUMENT INCLUDED, WHICH EXPLAINS HOW TO EXPAND THE JAPANESE ROM. THIS IS IMPORTANT. YOU MUST EXPAND THE JAPANESE ROM FROM 24KB TO 40KB BEFORE APPLYING THE PATCH!!! ********************************************* (hopefully, only SPAMLESS e-mails will be sent. So, remove the SPAMLESS portions, and send me, well, spam-less e-mails.) Popeye Lingo Game Patch v1.0 Release date: 4/14/2004 ********************************************* Original Title: Eigo Asobi Original Language: Japanese ********************************************* This translation was produced by: KingMike - Romanization, title ********************************************* What's new: 1.0: - First, finished release ********************************************* Introduction: Popeye plays Hangman with Olive Oil, Swee'pea, and Brutus. Spell out the English words, with a romanized-Japanese clue in mode A, or nothing in mode B. You can also play the Word Catcher game, which is a 1 or 2-player game where you try to catch the falling letters in order to spell out the English translation of the Japanese words. ********************************************* Contents of package. popeye10.ips : Japanese to English patch. NOTE: Read the document on ROM expanding first!!! popeye10.txt : This document. popexp.txt : IMPORTANT EXPANSION STEP THAT MUST BE DONE FIRST. ********************************************* Emulation Status: Well, if NESTICLE will run it, I think almost anything will. :) ********************************************* What's done: - Everything. What's not so good: - Some minor palette issues with long words (the original Japanese only allowed 7 kana for the Japanese clues. I expanded it to 16 letters, but couldn't find the palette name table data to fix the color of letters after the 7th. ********************************************* How to patch (Windows, sorry non-Windows users. I succumbed.): - Download this zip file. - Download the game ROM. (I won't provide this. You find it.) - Download IPSWin 2.0 from somewhere ( might have it, but no guarantees. Look for "Utilities"). - Open IPSWin 2.0, click the little folder thing in the first box. Choose the original Japanese ROM. Choose the IPS patch in the lower text box in the same manner. Click Patch. Enjoy! ********************************************* How to play: D-Pad: Move left right. Press Up/Down to change rows. Select: choose play mode on the title screen. Start: Begin game, enter category. Pause (player 1 only). A Button: Choose a letter. B Button: Nothing. ********************************************* Eigo Asobi (c) 1983 Nintendo Co., Ltd. Popeye (c) 1983 King Features Syndicate, Inc. English Romanization: (c) 2004 KingMike NO DISTRIBUTING THE PATCH WITH THE ROM. NO DISTRUBUTING THE PATCHED ROM!!