DvD Translations presents Antarctic Adventure for the NES published by Konami Patch Version: 1.0 Release Date: February 3, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello and welcome to the ReadMe file for "Antarctic Adventure" Although the in-game title for the game is "Antarctic Adventure", written in English, the full title of the game on the box is written in Japanese. It literally translates to "Eventually Antarctic Big Adventure." Our only guess is that the Japanese word for "Eventually" was really put there to rhyme with the Japanese word for "Antarctic" so, in that light, we could call it: "Avalanche-ly Antarctic Adventure" But, as it doesn't sound that good, we suggest sticking with the in-game English name. In this file I've included info on how to use the patch and how to play. ------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: DvD Translations dvdtranslations.eludevisibility.org DvD - Tile editor - Tester - ReadMe author Shiroi - Translations: * "South Pole" * "Avalanche-ly Antarctic Adventure" ------------------------------------------------------------ A little history of Konami and the NES Original game ROM size: 1 16k program ROM bank & 1 8k character ROM bank = 24 kBytes = 24576 Bytes Games designed for the original Famicom/NES hardware could be 1 or 2 16k program banks and 1 8k character bank. Later, all games made for the NES used special mapper chips to expand the size of the addressable ROM beyond these limitations. As this game only uses 1 program bank, it is the smallest (and cheapest to manufacture) a game for the NES could be! Konami was the first 3rd party company that Nintendo licensed to manufacture their own games for the Famicom. Antarctic Adventure was Konami's first release for the Famicom along with Yie Ar Kung-Fu! I believe the latter was their first game released for any home system, specifically the Microsoft MSX. List of Konami's Original 24k ROM Famicom Releases 4-22-85 Yie Ar Kung-Fu MSX 1982 4-22-85 Kekkyoku Nankyoku Daibouken / Antarctic Adventure MSX 1984 7-11-85 Road Fighter 9-20-85 Pooyan (w/ Hudson Soft) 3- 4-86 Circus Charlie (w/ Soft Pro) ------------------------------------------------------------ How to patch the ROM file: You need: 1) A ROM file. The file must include the standard 16 byte iNES header followed by the program ROM. This makes the ROM file 24592 Bytes in size. I'm not telling you how to get the ROM file, but for this game, the format of the 16 byte iNES header should be: 4E 45 53 1A 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2) Patch File: AA_v1_00.IPS 3) An IPS patching program Recommended patching program for IBM PC: Snes-Tool.exe by The M.C.A./Elite Using SNES Tool: 1) Make a copy of the un-patched ROM. You always want to keep the un-patched ROM around for later revisions of the patch. 2) Place an un-patched ROM file with header (I'll call it AA.nes), AA_v1_00.IPS, and Snes-Tool.exe in the same directory. 3) Run Snes-Tool.exe 4) Type 'U' for "Use IPS" 5) Press the down arrow key until AA_v1_00.IPS is highlighted. 6) Hit Enter. 7) Press the down arrow key until AA.NES is highlighted. 8) Hit Enter. 9) Hit 'Q' to quit. Note: If patching the file on a Mac, I recommend UIPS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Playing the game on an emulator: For the PC, I recommend FCE Ultra, although being such a basic ROM with no mapper and no fancy timing code, I'm sure it works in every NES emulator ever made. ------------------------------------------------------------ Why I chose to translate THIS game: 1) I wanted to take a brake from determining the exact context of the nearly 500 blocks of text in Port Pier. I've made great progress, but staring at a text editor for months wasn't good on the eyes. 2) I've played and passed all the prequels to this game. It doesn't have any. I have this thing about playing games that are part of a series in the order in which they came out... 3) I've played and passed many of the SEQUELS to this game. * "Yume Penguin Monogatari", for the NES, is essentially the closest thing to a true sequel to this game. * Penta the Penguin also shows up as a playable character in all of the games in the Parodius series. Also many other penguins are cannon fodder in the game. * Konami's Krazy Racers (Wai Wai Racing) has an entire level devoted to Antarctic Adventure, the theme song plays and you drive over ice and avoid penguins. * I'm sure Penguin's show up at some time in the Wai Wai World series of games. 4) It's one of my family's favorite games on our 63in1 cart. Why YOU should bother playing THIS game: 1) To understand where Konami's fascination with penguins came from! It's a pretty simple game... but what do you expect for 24k? ------------------------------------------------------------ Game Controls Chart: 1) Title & Demo Screen Controls - Start :Bring up level section screen :Start game - Select :Bring up level section screen :Select difficulty level 2) Game Controls - Start :Pause/Un-Pause - Control Pad - Up :Accelerate - Down :Decelerate - Left :Move left - Right :Move right - A or B :Jump :Climb out of fissure - while wearing helicopter hat and jumping :Fly 3) The basic goal is to make it to the South Pole and back, stopping at different country's outposts along the way. You have a certain time to reach each outpost. Along the way you can collect flags and fish for points. Avoid holes, seals, and falling into fissures. A flashing flag not only gives you points but also gives you a helicopter hat that allows you to fly for a short distance over holes (but not seals). 4) Check out Brian P. Sulpher's Antarctic Adventure FAQ/Walkthrough at www.gamefaqs.com for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------ Translation Progress History: Patch Version Release Date ------------- --------------- 1.00 January 25th, 2005 - Patch Completed 1.00 February 3rd, 2005 - Patch Released * "South Pole" translation - Complete * "REST" & "km" font cleaned up - Complete * Title screen hack - DvD Translations - Complete * Japanese title translation - Complete * ReadMe - Complete ------------------------------------------------------------ Software used in this translation: * Emulator FCE Ultra 0.94 by Bero & xodnizel * Tile Editor Tile Layer Pro 1.0 by Kent Hansen * IPS Patch File Creator Snes-Tool Version 1.2 by The M.C.A./Elite * ReadMe Creation Notepad by Microsoft ------------------------------------------------------------ Are you still reading this? DvD