The Rosetta Group ( presents you with another translation... Knights of the Zodiac: Legend of the Golden Armor \ Game info \_________________ Title : Les Chevaliers Du Zodiaque - La Legende D'or (F) Console : Nintendo Developer : Bandai Date : 1986/1987 Genre : Action/RPG \ Translation version : Patch 1.0 on 3/??/2004 \__________________________________________________ The script is complete. Dialog is a bit hard to follow, but it's hard to follow in Japanese and French as well. Some of the terms during the fights weren't changed because it was hard to tell what they were but you guys are smart enough to figure it out. \ Culprits Directly Responsible \_______________________________ Hack : RVeach Traduction : Samda_Knowe (and a host of other people, which I will mention below) Title screen (the Only graphic change): Ti_Dragon Beta testers : Ha! As if! You know how hard it is to find a beta-tester that actually does what he says? \ How to Apply the Patch \___________________________ Back when I was a lad, we looked online for a file called IPX.EXE and with the ROM and IPX file in the same directory (uncompressed, because that was how we did things back in the day) at the command prompt we typed: C:\> ipx And then this pretty GUI would pop up saying it was complete. AND WE LIKED IT!! We also didn't have to worry about bad headers and already hacked ROMs because we only shared the clean ROMs. Of course, that was back in the day. Now you got all yer fancy doo-hickies like... well damn it sonny, I can't read what that says. All i see if blue and grey. Stupid windows and your over 320 X 240 Resolutions... \ Background info on the translation \______________________________________ I needed something to do that was easy, so I opted to find a translation that would be from French to English. Someone brought this game to my attention and I checked with Rveach and he said he would be willing to do it. The dialog was a bit to follow because context is next to nil. So I don't like Animes (yeah, I don't, but I deal with stuff I don't like everyday, so "grin and bearing" things are like second nature to me), so in order to get the names right, I had to do some research. Thanks to "Saint Saiya Info" at (I don't remember the name of the page, and the guy who ran it was probably named "Jake" but I can't confirm anything) for background info on characters and special moves. I'm sure there are other sources I could have used, but this one was the first and most complete thing to pop up. We did manage to get a title screen hack. The pic is based on the newer release from DiC in which I know the purists will have a field day with because I didn't call it Saint Saiya and use the original Japanese intro screen from the series or Japanese game. Well, tough. I wanted to revamp it. The title pic looks pretty cool and original. \ CONTACTS \_________ As some groups may tell you "don't hesitate to send us your comments..." I beg to differ. Groups want to hear praise and complements like "Wow, so THAT'S what the characters were saying. I had no idea. Great Ones, you have inspired me to send you loads of money, praise and I shall name my first-born child (from each of my relationships) after each one of you..." Well not that exactly (you little freaks) but something as awe-inspiring like "Wow! If they can get away with something like that, maybe I should try to start a group. Or I can just do all the work on my own to ensure that it actually gets done. A One-person group, it's never been done before, I'll be the first and become famous, and companies like Konami and Square will find me and ask me to translate for them, where I can make REAL money and won't care about lamerz and punkz sending me complaints about what we should have used and..." *Clears throat* Sorry, where was I? Ah yes... Don't hesitate to send us you comments (PRAISE) about how thoroughly we did on this project. WebSite : Forum : Not Likely RVeach (@) Samda_Knowe (