Adventure of Valecule Version 1.00 Some Good Shit Translations ,,,,,,, |STAFF| ''''''' Hackers: Darian Kondura & Patrick Higgins Translator: DDS ,,,,,,, |ABOUT| ''''''' Darian Kondura originally started to work on this rom to improve his new found ROM hacking skills. After 3 days of work he gave me the ROM to help him hack one part of the game he was having some trouble with. I ended up hacking a bit more than that too teach Darian some techniques. He had to pick a Namcot game programmed by a bunch of monkeys :P This ROM used Ballzy tables which are sorta new to me too so we both learned something out of this project. Script dumps were not required as there is very little text in this game. So DDS just translated some screenshots and that was that. This project took only a couple weeks to complete so don't expect some epic RPG here, just some weird action/RPG type game with barely any text. This project was just for educational purposes but we're distributing it anyway :) Enjoy! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |APPLYING THE PATCH| '''''''''''''''''''' Use either IPS.EXE or SNESTOOL both available for download at to apply the patch to the ROM. Make sure the patch and the ROM are in the same directory along with your patching utility and follow the steps to apply the patch. If you are having any difficulties consult the readme for the patching utility. ,,,,,,,,,,,, |DISCLAIMER| '''''''''''' This patch is not be traded or sold for any goods or serviced. It is strictly freeware! Namcot does not endorse or support this patch in any way. This patch was created by Some Good Shit Translations. ph34r.