Armed Dragon Fantasy Villgust 1993 - PLEX/ANGEL Translation by J2e Translations, 1998 version 1.1 ---------------------------------------- TRANSLATION STAFF Luke Drelick -Japenese Translator Anus P. -Script Formatting -Manual Rom Hacking -Title Graphics -Font Graphics -Script Insertions -Pointer Calculations Necrosaro -Script Insertions -Pointer Calculations -Utility Programmer Bahamut -Icon Graphics --------------------------------------- Whats New version 1.1 -fixed the pallet to eliminate those highlighting problems -translated that one word that wasn't translated before (thanks ballz) -corrected a few other things version 1.0 -initial release; complete translation ---------------------------------------- WARNING: This translation contains explicict language (including the all famous "F" word), and is highly not recommended for anyone who cannot handle the language factor. This is NOT a result of our adding in a few words here or there, but is infact part of the translation directly from the Japenese scripts! and please do NOT ask us to tone down the language because we will NOT do so any time soon. Thank you. ---------------------------------------- RUNNING VILLGUST Nesticle is NOT the best emulator to use for this game! Use the newest version of FwNES for best compatibility! CONTROLS IN BATTLES: A=Jump B=Attack Select=Menu Start=Pause Up+B=Uses Magic the rest of the controls are fairly straight forward ---------------------------------------- VILLGUST INFO The main text in Villgust is stored in 4K blocks. Also the way the rom is it wont allow us to use any space for the main text that exceeds this 4K bank. So this posed to be a slight problem. We were looking to expand out the text but because of this restriction we had to make use of the space we had. Which meant shortening the scripts as much as possible, yet keeping in the whole story. Then we get to the menu texts and items and stuff. Now this text was easy to utilize the space we needed for it. The only problem with this text is each string must be an exact size. If we make some of the things stored here too big or too small they will not display correctly so we had to use a couple of those doubled up tiles (you know.. like 3 letters squished into 2 tiles on the font table), but don't worry, it still looks great! We also designed some Icons for the weapons and Items to allow us to use longer names for them. ------------------------------------------- Known Bugs: There's always gotta be some! Anyways, when talking to an Innkeeper, the small window in the top left reads as "Innk". For some reason its displaying the k from when it says "Talk" and we can't get rid of it. Another small bug is some of the command selections are not highlighted correctly. This is because those commands are longer than the original Japenese commands. And finally, after you win a battle the characters who earn any EXP are displayed at the top of the window. And Since these character names are longer than they are in the japenese they will overlap each other and don't look all that great. You'll see what we mean by playing this great translation. ------------------------------------------ Other Mumbo Jumbo: If you think you could help make this translation better in any way, please feel free to contact us and offer your help! anyways.. have fun and enjoy this great adventure never seen in english before! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copywright notice: Thanks for downloading our translation patch, and we hope you enjoy it! after all, we're doing this for free! If you wish to distribute this patch you may, but you MUST include this text file here with the patch that you distribute! J2e translations