Pescatore v1.0 May 7, 2006 KingMike Translations ( *********** INTROUCTION *********** This is a puzzle game, much along the lines of Columns. You drop the multi-block pieces, and make matches across, down, or diagonally. The change here is that you can now rotate the blocks sideways, instead of just switching the colors around. Also, you must sandwhich two or more same-colored pieces within two pieces that are a different color. This game was never actually finished, though. This was brought to the Internet by a group of people dedicated to researching old games that never came out, and why they didn't come out. All I can say is, thanks guys for the insightful articles, and the games are nice, too. **** TEAM **** KingMike - translation, hacking. *********** WHAT'S DONE *********** Doesn't seem to be much, except the tutorial. ************ WHAT'S BUGGY ************ I don't believe the patch is the cause, but there'll be several glitches and crashes due to that this game wasn't finished. ********************* PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS ********************* Just apply the IPS to a ROM. Use LunarIPS, select Apply IPS. Select the ROM, select the ips file, and it should be good. **************** EMULATION ISSUES **************** This game uses mapper 2 (16KB PRG switching, possibly the easiest one to implement in an emulator). So, nearly any emulator should support it. ***************** PLAY INSTRUCTIONS ***************** Controls: D-Pad: Left/Right - move pieces Down - drop them quickly. Select: Unused. Start: Pause. B Button: Rotate pieces to the left. A Button: Rotate pieces to the right. MODES: SINGLE PLAY: An endless game for one player. DOUBLE PLAY: Versus mode for two players. ROUND: Easy, normal, or hard difficulty. In Round mode, you will need to clear a specific number of pieces to move on to the next stage. The amount is indicated next to the PIECE indicator. MUSIC: Three types, or you can Shuffle them or play with no music. PIECE: In an endless game, you can choose the type of pieces you want to match. BACK: In an endless game, you can choose the background pattern. As previously mentioned, to clear pieces from the board, you must match two of the same colored pieces within two same colored pieces of a different color, like two or more reds being bookended by two blues. During the game, a few characters might show up. A big fish will shake up the screen, dropping all pieces down to fill in the columns (wheras normally, pieces above a hole would just stay there). The frog will flip the entire stack upside down, and then drop the pieces down to the bottom again. The lizard will remove the entire line of the piece underneath it when it lands. ********* COPYRIGHT ********* Original game (c)1991 by Tierheit and Sunsoft. Do not distribute the ROM and the patch.