//Radical R (NDT RELEASE) //2/2007//04/2007 - Forgot to translate the Option dialog (fullscreen or not)! //Starleaf YO What is this? A freeware game by Platine Dispositif (they created this game to test the engine) Link: http://www20.cds.ne.jp/~murasame/source/wlog0602.htm What do I need? A ips patcher. Don't ask me how to patch it. Google it. HEY! Something bad happened! Thanks for the detailed description. No, seriously, if you want help, we need more information than that. Like error messages, bad graphics, etc etc. I don't like this music. Not a problem. Get a song you like and save it as ogg. Rename it to bgm.ogg, replace, and enjoy. Where can I contact you? IRC: irc.ppirc.net #ndt Mail: radicalr@gmail.nosp@mplz.com