Advanced Daisenryaku 2001 Complete Version Translation Patch by Nebelwurfer HQ September 19, 2007 Overview AD 2001 is a Strategic Wargame set in WWII. Starting with simple Training exercises in the mid 30s, you can guide Germany through the war years. The campaign is a connected set of scenarios, where your level of success determines the next scenario you will play. There are 3 campaigns in the AD2001 Complete Edition. The standard Germany campaign with 120 scenarios, a British scenario with about 40 scenarios, and a Soviet Union scenario with about 40 scenarios. There are also about 10 non-Campaign individual scenarios you can play. Right now, I am concentrating on the German campaign, and have 27 scenarios translated. This covers from the beginning of the game to Operation Sealion. I plan to cover the alternate history scenarios that follow a successful Sealion next, then as time allows cover the Balkans and Eastern Front scenarios. I'm saving the North African scenarios for last. Where to get the AD 2001 Complete version AD 2001 Complete is a Japanese game, therefore you will need to purchase it through a company that imports games. I have used to purchase Japanese games. There are probably several others you can order the game from as well. You want the PC version of the game, not the older Dreamcast version. When you install it, you should change the default install directory to be something that doesn't have Japanese Kanji charaters, like "AD2001_Complete". For best results, you need to change the Regional and Language options on the Control Panel. Install East Asian fonts on the Languages tab, and select Japanese for non-Unicode programs on the Advanced Tab. However you can muddle by with just installing the East Asian fonts. How to use the AD 2001 Complete Patch Before using the translation patch, you need to update the game to the latest version, 3.04. You can obtain the v3.04 patch from the following website: Once the patch is installed, you should make a copy of the untranslated AD3Game.exe and AD3Data.dll files, calling them AD3Game_orig.exe and AD3Data_orig.dll. Any future patches I release will be based on the original version of these files, so you don't want to have to re-install the game in order to get a clean version of these files to patch. These files are contained in the C:\Program Files\AD2001_Complete\EXEC directory. There are three sections to the AD 2001 Complete patch. Those files in the SCENARIO directory should be placed in the C:\Program Files\AD2001_Complete\EXEC\SCENARIO directory. The files in the Pxl_Files directory should be copied to the EXEC directory where they will overwrite the original versions of those files. Finally, you will need to patch the AD3Trial.exe and AD3Data.dll files in the EXEC directory. Use the included segatool utility to apply the patch. Copy AD3_DLL.IPS, AD3_EXE.IPS and SEGATOOL.EXE to the EXEC Directory. Then run segatool and choose the "use Ips" option. You will be prompted to select an IPS file. Choose AD3_DLL.IPS. You will then be prompted to select a file to apply it to. Choose AD3Data.dll. This file will then be patched to the translated version. Choose the "use Ips" option again. You will be prompted to select an IPS file. Choose AD3_EXE.IPS. You will then be prompted to select a file to apply it to. Choose AD3Game.exe. This file will then be patched to the translated version. You are now ready to play the translated AD2001 Complete version. Future Patches I don't anticipate making any further changes to the AD3Game.exe or AD3Data.dll files or the .PXL Files. Future patches will likely just consist of additional translated scenarios in separate .ZIP files. How to play the game The game system in AD 2001 is very similar to that used in Advanced Daisenryaku IV which I translated several years ago. Go to the Nebelwurfer HQ AD IV translation website and download the manuals there to get a feel for the game. My campaign has reached an untranslated scenario. When will it be translated? There are approximately 210 scenarios in the game. I am working on the scenarios that I am encountering in my campaign first. It takes me from 3 to 5 days to translate a scenario. So unassisted, it would take me years to fully translate this game.

I plan to post a lengthy article on my website showing exactly how I go about translating a scenario, including all the tools I use, and where to get them from. Then if anyone has an interest in playing through the British or Soviet campaigns, they could do the translation themselves and then send me the translated scenarios to be included in a future patch.