************************************************* Xanadu Next English Translation Project 2011-2013 by Gho, Tancients and Doppiapunta Xanadu Next UK translation patch V. 2.0 - 23/02/2013 ************************************************* ************************************************* Translation Team: Gho - Team Manager, Lead Hacker, Lead Coder, Project Coordinator Tancients - Lead Translator Doppiapunta - Graphics ************************************************* ************************************************* INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ************************************************* ************************************************* Please, be aware that the patch permanently turns the game language from japanese to english. In case of problems or to restore the game to its former language, you'll have to reinstall it from its original media (DVD). In order to get Xanadu Next translated in english, you'll have to: 1) Install the Xanadu Next original game 2) Apply the patch on top of Xanadu Next install folder 3) Launch the game and enjoy it. If you installed Falcom's game patches already, don't worry about the game version: the patch works starting from any known game version and always brings the game to the more recently released version, that is version 1.0.14e for Windows 95/98/200/XP or version for Window Vista/Seven. If you installed one of our previous translation patches (we released a v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2 translation patch) you MUST BE AWARE that you can't apply this patch on top of the previous ones: we apologize for not taking the trouble of handling a complex scenario of upgrading whatever to the most recent release: just backup your savegames somewhere, uninstall and reinstall the game, recover savegames and finally apply this patch on top of it. If you played the game already, don't worry about your previous savegames: the patch doesn't delete them, they will continue to be available, even if your character's name is written in japanese alphabet. Be aware that the Xanadu game setup instead WILL delete all previous savegames, so if you uninstall or reinstall Xanadu Next from disk you'll have to copy your savegame files (in $APPDATA\FALCOM\X_NEXT folder) in a safer place. The patch also creates two new shortcuts into the FALCOM's program folder: "Xanadu NEXT UK" to launch the game "Xanadu NEXT UK Config" to launch the configuration tool The previous shortcuts are left in place, but they're no longer needed, so you can manually delete them if you like. ************************************************* THANKS: ************************************************* Many many thanks to: Pokan (http://pokanchan.my-sv.net/dokuwiki/) - the mysterious japanese hacker that shared the Xanadu graphic conversion algorythm. He said little, but sent all the source code. Very kind of him. It's a pity I never got further news from his. Pokan, are you listening? Bugs a.k.a. Luigi Auriemma (http://aluigi.altervista.org) - provider of several useful pieces of code, and mainly, precious advices. He's been a teacher for me. Olly (http://www.ollydbg.de ) - developer of the wonderful OllyDBG, who did not hesitate to send me advices about his tool. Simply GREAT. Irfan Skiljan (http://www.irfanview.com) - author of irfanview, who very kindly integrated the Xanadu graphic format into a custom made irfanview release made specially for me. Will it be a collectable piece of software? Wyrdwad The master guide at the beginning of the journey. He left a trail from which no-one was willing to stray. Tancient (http://bofgames.com) The lead translator, who did all the translation, revised and tested the game thoroughly. Following her directives, the game is now shining. Doppiapunta - The leading man, what else could I say? Thank you, Boss. My wife, my sons: They let me work.... and it was not for nothing! GHO: just me. Hacker, tool developer, team motivator and author of a few surprises that I'm not telling righ now. Stay tuned.... and, last but not least, some friends of ours that contributed, with hints, feedbacks, translations and testing, to the improvements of this last patch release: thank you to... jttoddy, novaliaspirit, inderjitbhullar, zaxapac, arkady18. ************************************************* BUGS, SUGGESTIONS, COMMENTS: ************************************************* For any suggestion, troubles, comments, critics, bugs or else just write at: doppiapunta at figlidigaucci dot eu or simply write our board in “English projects bugs section”. Have a nice time with this beautiful game now translated in English. - Gho, Tancients and Doppiapunta 2011-2013 http://www.figlidigaucci.eu