A game about post-apocalyptic cyber-assassins infiltrating mysterious ruins populated by hostile robots to rescue a stray cat. We’ve taken a break from Touhou games to translate another doujin shooter: Hellsinker, released by the circle Ruminant’s Whimper at Comiket 72. For those that have run into it before, it’s notable for the complexity of the game’s systems and for the near incomprehensible Engrish that features in many of the game’s graphics. With that in mind, we’ve completed translation of the in-game text and the HTML manual accompanying the game. The existing “Engrish” graphics have (for the most part) been left as is since they’re a part of the game’s charm, but the actual story elements have been translated into English – although it’s arguable how much sense the story makes even in Japanese, so consider yourself warned. Read on past the break for more information on installation. The game will need to be patched to version before the English patch can be applied. To install the patch, point the installer at a folder, then copy all of the files from the new folder that’s created in that directory into your main Hellsinker install folder. Once this patch has been applied, you can install the English patch (available at this link or by clicking on the image above) by simply pointing it at the folder where Hellsinker is installed. Major thanks go out to our long-suffering coder mauve, Nazerine for translation of near-incomprehensible Japanese, Halbarad for image editing, and special thanks to TMN for help with various elements of the patch. Keep your dignity.