-==========================================- NightWolve's "Ys I Complete" Translation Project http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/ys1c/ http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/yscomplete/ -==========================================- Version 1.27 ReadMe updated on 2/22/2006 -++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- THIS PATCH WON'T WORK WITH THE ORIGINAL "YS I ETERNAL," RELEASED 8/28/1998! -++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- Copyright © 2003-2006 by NightWolve under GNU General Public License. See the Legal section for details. +===================================================- | Table of Contents +===================================================- 1. Introduction 2. Requirements 3. Installation 4. Version History 5. Project History 6. About the Game 7. Credits & Greetings 8. Legal / Disclaimer 9. Contacting us 10. Miscellaneous Links and Goodies +===================================================- | 1. Introduction +===================================================- It is with great pleasure and honor to bring you this latest English patch. I never got around to writing up a section for this when I originally released this patch back in 2003, though it appears I'm still a bit short on words. What else can I say...? Well, it's taken a long time to get here. Like fine wine, this patch has only gotten better with time. That being said, I thank everyone responsible for helping me to make it to this lofty point, and I hope you all continue to cherish the Ys series as much as we all do here. Express your love of Falcom where possible by importing a legitimate original copy of the game. Oh, and uh, keep on the lookout, as you just never know what surprises we might have in store for you next. ;) This Falcom Fan Translation Crusade of ours is far, far from over my friends... - NightWolve, Deuce & team +===================================================- | 2. Requirements +===================================================- Media: Ys I&II Complete [Limited Edition] (2 CDs/1 DVD) - Released 6/28/2001 Ys I Complete [XP] (1 CD/DVD) - Released 7/26/2002 Ys I&II Complete [Popular Edition] (2 DVDs) - Released 12/23/2005 OS: Microsoft® Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP CPU: Intel® Pentium® 200 MHz (Pentium® II 300 MHz or better recommended) RAM: 64 MB (128 MB or more strongly recommended) HDD: ~750 MB for full installation Video: 640x480 8-bit (256 color) DirectX® 5 compatible display (DirectX® 8.0a or better recommended) Codec: Intel/Ligos Indeo® Video 5.11 (The patcher installs this for you) Audio: DirectX-compatible sound card supporting 2 audio channels (stereo) sampled at 16-bit/44.1KHz or better Input: Joystick (w/o vibration feedback) and mouse pointer are supported +===================================================- | 3. Installation +===================================================- Now that the new NSIS patcher takes care of virtually all of the common installation problems, I thought I'd try to document how to manually install Ys I Complete from either the Limited, XP, or PE versions (1 DVD/2 CDs). I also have a tip for video playback issues that I'll get to towards the end. - Installing Ys I Complete with Falcom's setup program This can only be done with an OS that supports Japanese mode (2K/XP). You need to install the Japanese language packs and reboot in Japanese mode. Or, if you have Windows XP, after installing the Far East language support packs, you can use a utility that allows you start up the setup program with the Japanese codepage. Its purpose is to save you from having to switch from<->to English<->Japanese mode and then having to reboot each time when doing so. Introducing, the Microsoft AppLocale Utility: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/tools/apploc.mspx So finally, when you do get Falcom's setup program running, you should select to do a Full install (that's the larger sized option you'll get) to avoid needing the CD/DVD for WAVE playback. Even though the menus are in Japanese, it won't be hard to figure out. (Note: If you try to use the setup program without Japanese support, it'll fail after a certain point when it tries to copy a file from the save subfolder that uses Japanese S-JIS encoded characters.) - Installing Ys I Complete manually (The only way for Windows® 98/ME) Make a folder tree named \FALCOM\YS12_CMP\YS1_WIN somewhere on your hard drive - C:\FALCOM\YS12_CMP\YS1_WIN for example. Next, go to your Ys Complete CD or DVD and copy everything to your new local folder from YS1_WIN (for the LE version) or YS1_CMP (if you've got the XP or PE version), but MINUS the 'save' subfolder! The trick is to exclude that 'save' subfolder because it contains a text file whose name is encoded with Japanese S-JIS characters. Any attempt at copying this file by the Setup program or even manually by using Explorer will result in failure. So, that explains why you can't install it normally (unless you're booted in Japanese mode, something you can't do in Windows® 98/ME). Also, if you own the new "Popular Edition" (PE) version of Ys I&II that Falcom released late 2005, you'll have a 3 GB dummy file named "DATA2.YS" located in the data subfolder. You'll have to also avoid copying that obviously. Anyway, now on your hard drive you should have a file/folder tree looking like this: C:\FALCOM\YS12_CMP\YS1_WIN\*.* C:\FALCOM\YS12_CMP\YS1_WIN\YS1_WIN.EXE C:\FALCOM\YS12_CMP\YS1_WIN\DATA\*.* C:\FALCOM\YS12_CMP\YS1_WIN\MIDI\*.* C:\FALCOM\YS12_CMP\YS1_WIN\WAVE\*.* C:\FALCOM\YS12_CMP\YS1_WIN\WAVE\WAVE_44\*.* Etc. Got it? Good. Now about the 'wave' folder: If you have the 2 CD Limited Edition set, you'll also have to get the 2nd CD and continue copying from that. Otherwise, in order to have wave playback in the game, you'll always have to have the 2nd (Game) CD inserted or mounted. You're basically doing a FULL install by copying all the waves to disk. By doing this, you can also take advantage of the alternate soundtrack that's recently been released by Deuce, FYI. Finally, because files on a CD/DVD always have the Read Only attribute set, which is preserved when you manually copy them to your hard drive, right click the YS1_WIN folder, click properties, uncheck it and tell it to recursively affect all files and subfolders when it prompts you. Well, that should do it. Just run my patcher after that and you're all set. - Troubleshooting video playback issues When you start a new Ys I Complete game, an Indeo 5.1x encoded AVI opening video is played. If you notice any flickering type problems, you'll need to adjust your graphics hardware acceleration settings. To do so, open up your Control Panel and double click 'Display'. In the dialog that comes up, click on the 'Settings' tab. Next, click the 'Advanced' button at the bottom. Finally, in the dialog that comes up, click the 'Troubleshoot' tab or if you're on Win9X/ME, the 'Performance' tab. There, you'll see a slider control with 'None' to the left and 'Full' to the right, next to 'Hardware acceleration'. Move that slider to the 2nd position from the left. That'll disable all but basic accelerations. Then, start Ys I Complete again, and see if the video playback has improved. If not, exit the game again, and increase the slider by one and try again. Repeat for the best results - you get the idea. I should also mention that if the slider is too low, the game may crash upon startup. So be aware of that when fiddling for the best settings. - Final Note: V-sync must stay on! Newer graphics card owners beware!! If your modern graphics card supports the disabling of v-sync, please remember to enable it when playing this game if you've disabled it for other purposes. Various elements in the game are tied to v-sync, thus disabling it will cause some boss character sprites to move several times faster than your character among other problems/unusual behaviors. So voila, you've now got plenty of information to succeed in this endeavor! +===================================================- | 4. Version History +===================================================- Ys I Complete Project Progress as of Version 1.27: Bitmaps (90/90): 100% Script Strings (1994/1994): 100% EXE Strings (236/236): 100% Assembly Hacking: 100% NSIS Patcher (v2.15): 100% (New GUI-based) Version 1.27 (2/22/2006): + Removed the last vestiges of "ETERNAL" in favor of "COMPLETE." The game is officially "Ys I COMPLETE" darnet! Falcom should've removed the "ETERNAL" references themselves! Anyway, I always wanted to edit those bitmaps and with Deuce's help, I finally got it done. + Somehow, I lost the work that I did with the joicon.exe file that launches Ys II seamlessly right after you beat Ys I. It was included with the previous version, but it turned out it wasn't working, so that's fixed now. + Minor fix to make the status info of a save file fit within the save/load screens. If you started a game on NIGHTMARE, in many cases, the LVL info would clip off to the right. + Recompiled installation script with the latest NSIS 2.15 version. + Added version checking. The patcher will check the server for newer versions and prompt you to download if present. Won't be terribly useful as I don't expect very many updates after this, but you never know. In the quest for perfection to "COMPLETE" the Ys experience, there's no reason to rule out any worthwhile future updates. ;) + ReadMe file was reformatted to match the newer Ys II style for consistency. + Added a RTF ReadMe file that's viewable within the patcher pre-installation. Version 1.26 (5/10/2005): + Eliminated the pesky "No Disk" popup message, "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive E:." that can appear at times depending on what the Windows Error Mode setting last was. + Enabled a self-check to detect if you have a "wave\wave_44" subfolder for the high quality 44.1KHz waves, and if so, set the proper flag to play them. This fixes a problem with no BGM that can sometimes occur when the flag is reset for 22KHz waves. (Behavior mimicked in Ys II.) + The patcher now installs the Indeo® Video 5.1x codec if it's missing. Thus, the dummy-proof status just went up by +20. :-) Some weren't aware Ys uses this codec and ran into video playback problems. (That's why a file named iv5setup.exe is included with the XP versions.) + Improved the joicon.exe file to support the seamless launching of Ys II when you finish Ys I for the separate XP versions. This executable came with the Limited Edition and only worked with it prior to my improvements. Because the LE uses YS1_WIN & YS2_WIN folder names and the reference 'YS2_WIN\YS2_WIN.EXE' was hardcoded to launch it, this would not work for the XP versions which use YS1_CMP & YS2_CMP folder names. So, now the patch truly does turn the separate XP versions into the LE! + A few minor script editing tweaks are included, as well as extra installation instructions. Nothing too special. Version 1.25 (3/25/2005): + There were grammar errors missed in the Books of Ys bitmaps so I had to redo them with what I also hope is a better looking font style. Version 1.24 (3/20/2005): + Included some last minute spelling corrections. + I also had to fix something for the old opening animation. You'll need a new OpeningOld.exe file from your original Ys I CD/DVD so it can be repatched. Version 1.22 (3/19/2005): The first "refreshed" release incorporating the NSIS Installation system. Too many users had problems with the prior batch file based one, so it would appear you girlie men need a GUI-oriented one to do the patching job right! Also in this version, Deuce and I saw fit to revise the script one last time even though the project's been considered finished for some time now. We fixed several grammar errors found, finalized character and items names, even some locations in conjunction with findings in the Ys II script work. Overall, this is the better script version that should've been released the first time around. + Script proofread by at least ~6 Ys fans for quality assurance. + Various spellings matched to Konami's Ys VI PS2 release. + Ending text bitmap improved and game code modified to fit full lines. + Books of Ys bitmaps have been improved with proper anti-aliasing. + Same as above for Lair's poem bitmap. + Uses the data folder for edited bitmaps so the game will uninstall properly. - NSIS Patcher Enhancements/Additions + Automatic installation of the Intel/Ligos Indeo® Video 5.11 if it's missing. Thus, the dummy-proof status just went up by +20. :-) Some weren't aware that Ys uses this codec and ran into video playback problems. (That's why a file named iv5setup.exe is included with the XP versions.) + Automatic download of Falcom's patches, either ysc0107.zip or ysc0203.zip depending on if you have a Radeon graphics card. + NSIS Plug-in created to quickly unzip a file from a zipped file. Used for Falcom's downloaded patches to obtain a fresh Ys executable. + Restores Falcom registry keys of importance and creates program shortcuts. + NSIS Plug-in created to extract all bitmaps files from the Ys I DATA.YS data file for later patching to English. This is a pretty sophisticated plug-in that uses Falcom's decompression code that I ripped right out of the game code and reused. I'm quite amazed by it. + Enhanced the VPatch NSIS Plug-in to handle file patching based on wildcards. Original Version (2/10/2003): The first public release... I don't feel like saying much about this now. It was a real crappy command-line patcher via a shitty batch file, but it occasionally got the job done. Script wasn't very refined and lots of users would fail at extracting the subfolder of bmps from the cab archive, so they'd wind up playing the game without any of the translated bitmaps. Just be glad for all the upgrades since... +===================================================- | 5. Project History +===================================================- I started this project around early July, 2002. Tenchi introduced me to rare Japanese imported games I knew nothing of at the time. I was very impressed at these gems, to be sure. Certainly, Ys Complete held a special charm with me. I loved the series after having had the joy of experiencing it on the TG-16/TurboDuo system a decade ago... Now, since I had already been influenced by the romhacking scene & was pursuing the Xak III project, I boldly decided to expand my platform reach to the PC...WITH AUTHORITY!!!! Talent on loan from Goddddd, baby!!! (Goddamn, this ego just keeps getting bigger and bigger... Sorry folks. A little Vince McMahon and El Rushbo influence never hurt anybody, though. *Ahem* Now, where was I???) Anyhow, progress proceeded quickly early on for Ys I. I dumped the script a month later on 8/1/2002. (Best script format you could ever hope for - one null-terminated script string after another.) So as I gained more experience, everything simply fell into place. I altered the script loading routine to load an external file, rather than from the data file the executable worked off of. This left the script editable to anyone, which proved useful. Now, Shimarisu was the only translator I had arranged to work on the game. But, having left the script editable to anyone allowed Deuce to come along out of nowhere and translate it! And fast too! He handed it over on 8/27/2002 which was how we established what would be a long-term collaborative relationship. I never noticed, but he found my RIGG message board and registered on 6/17/2002. Plus, he had made his intentions known regarding translating it himself on 8/13/2002, in the thread I made for this project. I just forgot about it and was surprised when he presented me with a finished script, aside from a few he couldn't do. So, I set the patch up with his work for the fans to enjoy in the meantime, but I began making preparations to let Shimarisu edit it, since I decided that examination by two translators would improve accuracy. Regardless, Deuce was an outside unexpected variable that would forever alter the project's course down the road... leading it to VICTORY!!! 2/10/2003, Shimarisu finished the remaining bitmaps for Ys I and I felt comfortable with an official release. So voila! Ys I Complete in English! It had gotten a final edit by then; bitmaps were finished; and patching was decent, etc. Not too bad of a time-table of seven and a half months. It was a small script after all. 3/19/2005, the refreshed version for Ys I Complete went public. Basically, in-between the Ys II work since February, I had gone back to review all the Ys I work to modernize the patcher, as well as the translation. Why do it? Well, I happen to come across a grammar error nobody ever reported (which really irritated me), plus since I was aware of patch installation issues and I was on the verge of completing Ys II, I decided to review the whole project and release a patcher built with NSIS! I wanted to flex a little muscle with what I had learned using NSIS, so this provided a golden opportunity. So, it resulted in a dummy-proof patcher and a script that was put up for public scrutiny to be reviewed/checked by fans. I also had Deuce review it, since Shimarisu was the last translator, and I wanted him to restore some of the lost naturalization work that he had done. Though it was finished two years ago, it would become soo much better now. Bitmaps, patching, script quality, etc. had all been improved/tweaked significantly. We really did achieve a far more professional looking "product" and thankfully, all that work would be carried over to Ys II as well. 2/15/2006, I returned to the project once more and finished off some loose ends such as a few bitmaps with "ETERNAL" in them, rather than "COMPLETE". Falcom recycled the previous ETERNAL version of the game, but didn't bother to update some of the bitmaps. This led to some confusion like calling the game "Ys I ETERNAL COMPLETE." I also added credits both in the intro and the ending, so now most everyone is properly credited for their work. Other than that, I cleaned up a few things (redesigned the ReadMe to Ys II style & better recompiled patcher with version checking) and released an update. Finally, the below links are accounts I kept, as poorly managed as they are, which I used to write up this Project History section. I also based it off of IM conversations between myself, Shimarisu and Deuce. Anyway, they're here as reference for the curious: http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/yscomplete/news.html http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/yscomplete/WORKLOG.TXT - NightWolve +===================================================- | 6. About the Game +===================================================- - Official Ys I Story Summary by Hudson Soft (Adapted Slightly) Once upon a time there was an island Kingdom known as Esteria. In millennia past, it had been called the prosperous Kingdom of Ys. Esteria was known far and wide for the quality and purity of the silver which came from her mines. But when the silver mines began to run dry and foreign ships failed to return to their home ports, Esteria became a forgotten place. It was to this land that Adol Christin came, a swordsman washed ashore by the might and fury of a hurricane known as the Storm Barrier. When he awoke, he found himself in Barbado Port. The local doctor had nursed him back to health after he was found half-dead lying on the nearby beach. Adol was impressed with the kindness of these villagers. But he quickly grew restless for adventure because that was his nature. This once prosperous port, now just a mere fishing village, sat at the edge of a great plain. Rising in the distance was a small mountain range with an ominous tower at its peak. "That is the Tower of The Doomed," they told Adol as they made the sign of the evil eye. "It is the place where the troubles of our land began." As Adol watched the tower, he knew that his destiny awaited there. In the town of Minea he heard the legend of the Goddesses of Ys. In times past they had saved the Kingdom from great evil. Their feats had been written down in six magical books and then hidden from the greed of mortal man. If someone were to find all six books, they would have the power to do immense good... or incredible evil! The wise fortune teller Sarah was desperately looking for a swordsman with the courage to save the Kingdom. In order to return peace and prosperity to Esteria, you must find and unite the six magical Books of Ys. But the evil sorcerer Dark Fact also wants the books. He has the sixth book of Ys in his possession and will use all of his evil powers to keep you from finding the other five! +===================================================- | 7. Credits & Greetings +===================================================- - Project Management/Reprogramming/Hacking/Script Editing, etc. NightWolve (Nicholas Livaditis) Yep, that's me, the Greek dude missing the most hours of sleep 'round here. :) It's OK; I'll catch up on sleep when I'm dead. - Translation Deuce (Jeff Nussbaum) My translator extraordinaire. When I first started the project, he appeared relatively out of nowhere with a rough draft initial script translation that he says took him about 15 days... My free open/edit system paid off allowing this to happen without me having had to scour the net for a translator... Of course, it helped that there were lots of Ys fans to begin with. :P He also did most of the bitmap edit work. He's now my only translator, post-Shimarisu, and was responsible for the latest patch before you. Shimarisu (Rachel) A translator of various fame including Ys4 for SNES and a Dragon Quest game for GBA. I appreciated her help in the project originally, but we have strong disagreements with regards to extremely literal translations versus naturalizing and taking some liberty where needed to prevent a horribly dry reading of the script with issues like excess pronoun usage. It is for this reason that I asked Deuce to do another editing of the script to remove her "purist" influence as much as possible which was a bit embarrassing at times, frankly. - Bitmap Editing NightWolve, Deuce, Shimarisu, and FagEmul (The Frenchman) I'd say Deuce did the most work in this area originally in terms of difficulty and high-value, but I've had to do the most editing since if you're going by quantity. Shimarisu's edits for the old opening animation still stand as well as FagEmul who managed to do a fine job for the T_place bitmap. - Head Beta Testing mjmmx (Mike) Long time beta tester providing various useful feedback. He's also been a big help with other matters and even made an Ys Complete bonus tips/tricks section. - Script Proofreading Beaux75, Dave Shadoff, Justus Johnston, Keranu, ViperD, Mejilan, and Frogacuda For the refreshed release, I decided to see if I could enlist Ys fans to actually do something constructive/helpful for the project. So, I produced two html views of the script for anyone willing to review the grammar and spelling. Having a bunch of readers scrutinize our work that caught so many mistakes which Deuce and I missed was great. In hindsight, it reveals it was something I should've done a long time ago, but you work with what you can initially and that's how it goes. Anyhow, special thanks goes out to the previously mentioned names respectively in the order that found the most pertinent mistakes. Greetings and thanks to: - Dritz1111 (Ken), once helped with improving the batch file for the old commandline-based patcher, and he edited the ending text bitmap, but all of his work has since been phased out with the modern patcher. - Tenchi-no-Ryu (Stephen Harris), for the rendering of RIGG, software finds (PPF), being an overall swell fellow... He shepherded me into RIGG and we had a lot of good times as well as bad, way back when he was still around. I'll always treasure our friendship. I should mention that he once did handle Lair's text bitmap, but that work was subsequently phased out. - Dave Shadoff and Xai, for quickie/spot-translations way back. Dave, whom I still work and chat with, has been a great programming-related mentor to me. Consider him the seasoned Yoda-man behind the scenes. I'll surpass his programming skills someday!! I'll show him; I know I can do it! - Akimaru... that quirky Finish guy and a long time avid Ys' fan. Always so happy and easy-going, that fellow, he is. But yeah, he helped occasionally with spot-translations and kept my interest up in things of Ys. I trust he's having a good ole time in Japan since he recently moved there too. ;) - Neill Corlett (Akimaru's pal, of SD3 translation fame + PSF stuff), for the IDA Pro Disassembler hookup, Ys IV work, the decent ReadMe style I borrowed, and for the general hacking knowledge we exchanged around back in the day. - Neosophist, an uppity British dude, for the Microsoft FastFile information. - The Whirlpool/Donut - Isn’t it great to have a translation news site that's biased in favor of Ys, spamming my projects for me without hesitation??? :P - Microsoft, YEAH, THAT MICROSOFT, for the documentation and software that made this all possible! I get sick and tired of all the douche bags and their bashing of this great American company, so I thought I'd give it credit here, given the fact that I wouldn't be where I am today in life if not for them, as far as my computer/technical/programming skills are concerned and my career as a Software Engineer (along with a good paycheck that entailed at one time I might add) which they had an indirect, or, I guess you could say "foundational" role in helping me to launch. - El Rushbo, YEAH, THAT GUY, for his hilarious & stinging commentary at times getting me through a few hours in the day. - The emulation/hack/translation community in general for giving me the motivation to do this... - All those who left snippets of info across that world wide binary stream we call the Internet. :) - Anyone I forgot. +===================================================- | 8. Legal / Disclaimer +===================================================- This patch is UNOFFICIAL, UNAUTHORIZED, i.e., it isn't supported by Falcom in any way... The patch is freeware and may be redistributed freely as long as it is not modified, not applied to or distributed with any CD-ROM image, and this documentation is included and not modified either. No money, goods, nor services may be charged or solicited for the patch in original or applied form. In other words, you may NOT profit from our work in any way... This patch is distributed in the hope that it will be enjoyable, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Anyone using it does so at their own risk! Neither NightWolve, nor any of the other individuals mentioned in this documentation will be held liable for any loss or damage arising from its use. AND PLEASE, NO ISO REQUESTS! If you like Falcom and want them to continue to exist, support them by buying it. (You can try emailing them directly. They do ship outside of Japan.) +===================================================- | 9. Contacting us +===================================================- Note: If you discover any problems with the patch, please don't hesitate to contact me using the below listed email address. I cannot improve it if I don't know there's a problem, so even if it's minor, I'd like to know about it. If you REALLY wanna help, download the Ys I Script Dump (the URL is in the below Links section) and feel free to proofread it either before or after you've played the actual patched game, preferably the latter. NightWolve: Email: nlivadit@yahoo.com WWW1: http://nick.serveblog.net/ WWW2: http://nick.serveblog.net/forums/ Deuce: Email: deucemugen@hotmail.com WWW: http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/ys/ +===================================================- | 10. Miscellaneous Links and Goodies +===================================================- - "Ys I & II Complete" Translation Project Detail: All my sites dedicated to these translation projects. Check here for further information/patch updates. WWW1: http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/ys1c/ WWW2: http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/ys2c/ WWW3: http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/yscomplete/ - "Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys" Translation Project Detail: That's right! Ys IV for the PC-Engine has an English patch!!! If you didn't know before, you do now! So, don't hesitate to COMPLETE your "Ys" experience with this sequel! ^__^ WWW: http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/ys4/ - The Legacy of Ys Detail: Deuce's unofficial fan site, full of music, reviews, walkthroughs, bestiaries, exclusive downloads, artwork, etc. WWW: http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/ys/ - Deuce's Ys I Complete Alternate Soundtrack Detail: An (almost) completely redone soundtrack, comprised of Ryo Yonemitsu's arrangements from the PC-Engine version of the game where available, or the Ys I Perfect Collection when not. WWW: http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/ys/?downloads.html - Mjmmx's "Ys I & II Complete" Bonus Item and Event Webpage WWW: http://nick.serveblog.net/translations/yscomplete/bonus/ - "Ys I Complete" Equipment/Inventory List WWW: http://home.earthlink.net/~nlivaditis/yse/Ys1items/ - Full "Ys I Complete" Script Dumps in HTML View Detail: You can help perfect the dialogue by using this to proofread the script, preferably after having played the game so you'll have more context. Any feedback for improvements is welcome. WWW: http://nick.serveblog.net/downloads/ysc/YsIScriptHTMLData.rar - Falcom's Official Site WWW: http://www.falcom.com/ys12cmp/ys1cmp.html - Where to buy "Ys I Complete" WWW1: http://www.himeyashop.com/product_info.php/products_id/2892/ WWW2: http://www.himeyashop.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=Y%27s+Complete - Hardcore Gaming 101: Ys Detail: A fantastic look at the Ys series across the many platforms it has made its appearances on. This is simply the best historical account of it all (with screenshots galore) that I know of! WWW: http://www.classicgaming.com/reviews/ys/ys.htm - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System v2.15 Detail: A superb free program I use to create my sophisticated patches. WWW: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/