SOLOMON'S KEY ANOTHER VERSION ENGLISH TRANSLATION v1.00 - lite version Copyright 2003, SD-Translations Table of Contents ----------------- 1. About Solomon's Key Another Version 2. Translation History 3. Translation Credits 4. Known Issues 5. "Application" Instructions ---------------------------------------- 1. About Solomon's Key Another Version ---------------------------------------- No cookies for guessing what kind of game "Solomon's Key Another Version" is, at least if you've ever played Solomon's Key. SKA is a freeware clone of the original Solomon's Key, a puzzle game that's been released on the NES, Master System, Commodore 64, and in the arcades, and on GB as "Solomon's Club". You control a magician with the powers of Stone and Fire; Stone allows you to create or destroy stone blocks, Fire to shoot a fireball. Each stage is a "room", in which you must place blocks in the right places to act as platforms or barriers, creating a path to the key to unlock the exit from the room. All this while dodging or destroying Gargoyles, Goblins, and various other enemies. Long explanation, but a ridiculously easy game to play once you get into it. It's a great way to kill some time if you're bored. There's play instructions in the readme. ---------------------- 2. Translation History ---------------------- Well, I started working on it for the hell of it last night (April 21st), and about the only things that held me up for this long was trying to find a suitable font, and a couple of terms in the readme. There's a little bit that needs changing - at the end of the level it's still got the Engrish "Left time" instead of "Time left" - but since I can't be bothered digging through source code right now, and couldn't compile it if I did bother, it's still there. If anyone wants to fix it, feel free, just send me the result so I can put out an update, k? April 22nd, 2003 - Initial version 1.00 released. ---------- 3. Credits ---------- Tetsuo - Translation, Graphic Editing Datenshi - Translation help --------------- 4. Known Issues --------------- There are a few files missing from the original distribution from Adas' site (see readme) - these are listed in stderr.txt. I had a look for them, but I'm buggered if I know where they are. They're only 4 sound files, so you don't lose anything and they don't affect gameplay, but if anyone finds them, point me to them plzkthx. ----------------------------- 5. "Application" Instructions ----------------------------- This "patch" is for those who already have the Japanese distribution of SKA. Just unzip the contents of the archive into the main SKA directory, and the necessary files should be overwritten. Simple as ACB! That's about it from me, so stop screwing about and play the game! Solomon's Key is (c) Tecmo