Langrisser I The first game of the Langrisser cannon, Langrisser I, follows the crusade of Prince Ledin of Baldea against Emperor Digos of the Dalshis Empire. After the fall of Baldea castle and loss of Langrisser, Ledin, Volkoff and Narm set off to recover the castle. But Jessica and Taylor had terrible news for the young prince–Langrisser’s power had been used to seal off an ancient evil that the Baldea line had battled since the days of Elthlead. Digos’s possession of the sword was causing that evil to awaken once again. The game was originally released in the United States as Warsong by the now defunct Treco. This PC remake features all new graphics, an upgrade to the Der Langrisser game play engine and CD audio. This translation is 100 percent complete and was initially distributed as an ISO. If you cannot find a torrent file of it, you should be able to unearth it on eMule or DirectConnect. The “patch” provided below is simply the raw files an adventurous soul would need to build their own English disc using the Korean disc as a base. Of course it will be missing all the new audio and video enhancements, but oh well. A “patch” in the common sense was impossible because 80 to 90 percent of the disc was changed. Aside from improvements to the soundtrack, Moon Knight and myself made countless other tweaks to the game including special care to Taylor’s speech (Arrr, he be a pirate, ya know?) and restoration of night-time backgrounds to Scenarios 3 and 14–something that was in Langrisser I&II but got yanked in the remake. The editing process went fairly quick, thanks to a once-over by EricKei and a lot of hard work between Moon Knight and myself. I think the end result should please newcomers and die-hard Langrisser fans alike. Credits Translation: D (Japanese) and TeknoZX (Korean audio) Editing: D, Moon Knight and EricKei Play Testing: D and Moon Knight Foreign Translations Spanish: MadMalkav Files * Update 09/07/2003 This is an updated tdat.res file for your game. It uses the new version of langpctools, fixes Böser’s name in the dialogue (changed from Boser to Böser to match his system name). It also provides a cosmetic fix to unit status (when viewing an enemy unit or ally whose move has ended). Just unzip to your installation folder. * Langrisser Main Patch These are the plain files and instructions needed to build an English disc if you already have the Korean disc. It is not recommended for those with a weak stomach and/or limited time. You would be best off just hunting down the English ISO. * Font Fix - LANG.FON If you are having problems with your game font (likely after restarting your computer), it probably means your Langrisser font has become unregistered. This is a quick fix. Open Control Panel>Fonts and find “LangPC.” Delete it. Drag in the file from this zip and all problems should be solved. * CD-ROM Fix This patch was made by a nice person named “Arigato.” It will let you select your CD-ROM device and patch the game with the device you choose. This should be a great solution for people with critical files on drive letter D: who can’t re-order their drive letters. * langpctools v1.0 These are the tools I have written to extract resource files, formatted scripts, and build new scripts using the game’s font table. The scripts dumped by the tools will be unreadable because of the shifted Korean table. Rather than decipher this table, I just used the Japanese scripts from l12dump in place of the Korean. Version 1.0 adds support for Langrisser II, improves the speed of some code, and adds support for the European characters available in the LangPC font. * English Scripts These are the English scripts produced for this translation. They are subject to the terms described in readme.txt. If you wish to do translations of this game to other languages, please contact me as I can provide you with support for EXE text (which these this does not cover) as well as the QuarkXpress project used to create the English game manual or expanding the game font for other characters you may need. Info My name is Derrick Sobodash. I live in Beijing, China, where I work as a professional copy editor and freelance journalist. My articles have appeared in The Oakland Press, Beijing Today and PiQ. You may contact me for any reason at derrick? or find me on Facebook and Flickr. Further contact information is on the Colophon page.