WARNING FOREVER ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.00 Copyright 2004 Aeon Genesis http://agtp.romhack.net Original Game Copyright 2004 Hikoza.T.Ohkubo http://www18.big.or.jp/~hikoza/Prod/index_e.html ToC 1.About Warning Forever 2.Patch History 3.Patch Credits and Contributors 4.Known Issues 5.Application Instructions ----------------------- 1.About Warning Forever ----------------------- Warning Forever is a nifty freeware brainless blast-fest of the sort that Japanese freeware developers seem to love. This one in particular involves an ever-evolving boss that grows in different a different direction depending on where you shoot it. It's quite a good game, but there really isn't a whole lot to it. This patch translates the boss names, which isn't really a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, but might help. --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- Work was started (and finished) on Sunday, September 5th, while I was bored. Fun! September 19th, 2004 - Initial version 1.00 Release --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE WARNING FOREVER TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, Hacker, Translation Shih Tzu - Translation of the readme Special Thanks to... --Shih Tzu, for facilitating contact with Hikoza himself --Hikoza himself, for creating the game and allowing me to distribute an unofficial translation of it. -------------- 4.Known Issues -------------- --One or two enemy names overrun the edge of the screen, but there's not a whole lot I can do about that. --The Hekatonchieres was changed to The Centimanus, as the former spilled off the edge of the screen, and the later is the same beast anyway. Cheers to Haeleth for that particular factoid. Otherwise, there are no known issues. If you find any, please post about them on The Pantheon (http://donut.parodius.com/agtp) -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- Extract the contents of this ZIP file to your Warning Forever directory. This patch works on Warning Forever 1.04. I have not tried it on any of the earlier versions but do not expect it to work. The game is available from Hikoza's website; a link is available at the top of this readme. Apply the wf.exe.ips to your Warning Forever executable file, and the data.bin.ips to your data.bin file. Use whatever IPS patcher strikes your fancy. I personally recommend Lunar IPS: http://fusoya.cg-games.net/ Afterwards, you're good to go!