CAVE STORY ~ DOUKUTSU MONOGATARI ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.03 Copyright 2005 Aeon Genesis Original Game Copyright 2004 Pixel ToC 1.About Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari 2.Patch History 3.Patch Credits and Contributors 4.Known Issues 5.Application Instructions ---------------------------------- 1.Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari ---------------------------------- Cave Story is a freeware sidescrolling action/adventure/platformer title with leanings towards Wonderboy and recent sidescrolling Castlevania titles. You control a little amnesiac who runs around helping out these rabbit-ish creatures called Mimigas while trying to find your way out of the giant cave inside the floating island which makes up the game's setting. You can expand your health meter by collecting Life Capsules in similar fashion to Metroid games, while you can get stronger by collecting energy to boost your firearms' output. Each weapon can be built up to the maximum level (3) fairly quickly, but taking damage will drain energy from its experience meter, sometimes causing it to level down. Given how quickly they power up this only tends to be an issue during boss fights, and even then there's usually plenty of opportunities for collecting more weapon energy. The game has loads of secrets, too. Shih Tzu and I haven't found everything, and we've each played it through a couple of times (not to mention having read the script.) It's pretty awesome that way. For a freeware Japanese platformer, it's fairly lengthy and has quite a large amount of text. I'd guesstimate that each playthrough, provided you knew what you were doing, would take about 4-6 hours. Tack on an extra couple of hours if you don't know what you're doing, possibly for extreme problems with nasty bosses (which this game has plenty of, especially towards the end.) We're also talking three very different endings, plenty of plot, and quite a cast of charming characters. It really is a superb little gem :) --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- Initial contact with Pixel was made about three weeks ago today (January 30th), and work began about two weeks ago. Thanks to an outstandingly huge push of effort in the past two weeks, mainly on Shih Tzu's part, the translation is complete! August 19th, 2005 - v1.03 release. -Fixes the credits. -Fixes a small untranslated graphic. -Changes some small text. August 6th, 2005 - v1.02 release. -Fixes a crash bug in the Labyrinth area. -Fixes the title screen. -Fixes an untranslated quit message string. June 26th, 2005 - v1.01 release. -Fixes some minor textual burps -Now works with Doukutsu Monogatari January 30th, 2005 - Initial v1.00 release. --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE CAVE STORY TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, Hacker, Translation Shih Tzu - Lead script translator Special Thanks to... --Shih Tzu, for facilitating contact with Pixel himself --Pixel himself, for creating the game, allowing us to produce an English version of it, and for putting up with what must have seemed an awful amount of nagging questions on my part :) You've got the patience of a saint, and this wouldn't be done without you! --sandcrab, who produced an alternate translation of the text for Pixel. It is, as yet, unpublished. --Tomato & Bugcatcher, for helping out on a couple tough bits in the text. Cheers! -------------- 4.Known Issues -------------- --The only known issue is that only Courier New is selectable from the font menu in the config util, but as the script has been formatted specifically with Courier New in mind, I don't consider this to be much of a problem. Otherwise, there are no known issues. If you find any, please post about them on The Pantheon ( -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- First, download Doukutsu Monogatari and extract the contents of the .lzh file to a directory. If you so desire, also download OrgView, the standalone Doukutsu Monogatari music player and extract it to the same directory. Both can be found at the following address: ( (Be sure to take a look at the rest of Pixel's site, too, he's got some nifty artwork floating around!) Simply run the included "Cave Story Translation Installer.exe" file on a clean Japanese installation of Doukutsu Monogatari and you should be all set to go! If the music in the game is to your liking, the included "OrgView Translation Installer.exe" will install English text into Pixel's OrgView music player, which is available on the Doukutsu Monogatari download page. Afterwards, you're good to go!