# Dragon & Princess (PC-88) Translation patch This is a translation patch for a simple Japanese NEC-BASIC game called *Dragon & Princess*, generally assumed to have been released in late 1982. This game is notable for having been the first known RPG by Japanese developers, and for being the first known RPG with multi-character tactical combat (which *Ultima III* would introduce several months later). I (NLeseul) looked into making a translation patch for this game specifically because of rumors that [the CRPG Addict](http://crpgaddict.blogspot.com) was interested in a playthrough. Much of the translation was provided by Laszlo Benyi, another regular on that site's forums who volunteered. ## Applying the patch This patch will be distributed in BPS format, so you will need a patching tool capable of handling it. [Floating IPS](https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/1040/) is a fairly common such tool, and is also available on [GitHub](https://github.com/Alcaro/Flips). Romhacking.net also maintains an [online patching tool](https://www.romhacking.net/patch/). The only known version of *Dragon & Princess* is on a compilation disk image with the filename Oldmix2.d88, so that is the file to which the patch should be applied. CRC32: `798b6721` Note that the original disk also contained a game called *トンキーゴリラ* ("Donkey Gorilla"). It didn't boot at all for me on the M88 emulator, so it may simply be lost to history. Hence, I elected to have the patch overwrite that game's data to make room for the English text of *Dragon & Princess*. So if you're particularly attached to your copy of *トンキーゴリラ*, you should probably back it up before applying this patch. All other games on the disk should be untouched, so you can continue enjoying such gems as *The Pro Bowling*, *スカートめくり* ("Skirt Lift"), *3D-Tank Conbat*, and *MOMOKO チャン ノ サクランボ ヒロイ ゲーム* ("Momoko-chan's Cherry-Grabbing Game"). ## Building the patch If for some reason you want to build the patch yourself using the script from GitHub, the syntax is simply: ``` python build_patch.py ``` Note that if the destination disk already exists, it will be overwritten. ### Building an easy mode disk The script can also generate a disk with the party's initial stats maxed out and random encounters disabled, to make testing easier. Simply include the `--easy-mode` flag in the above command line. ## Contact This patch's source is hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/nleseul/dragon_and_princess_pc88_trans); questions and bugs can easily be placed there. You can also reach me directly at [nleseul@this-life.us](mailto:nleseul.this-life.us).