Yugekitai Kakuto Hen ~Saikyo Kami Fukkatsu Yuki Kan~ English translation v1.0 August 2009 by ramkhamhaeng -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: You should have your own hdi containing all the game files. Just overwrite all of the existing files with the translated ones. In case you want to leave anything out, the DT_# files contain all the inbattle text, the EP_# files have all of the ending text, OPEN and ENDING have the text for the menu and ending, respectively. RANK.res replaces the Engrish rankings on the high score table. Before you run the game in an emulator, make sure you have installed a font for your PC98 emulator Link here: www.jcec.co.uk/font.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation notes: Most of the translation is accurate, but the in-battle text and victory quotes had to be butchered to fit the limited space available. I tried my best to preserve the original meaning, but pretty much failed at that... Everything else is fine The original victory quotes are in this readme, if you want to read them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the game: Yugekitai Kakuto Hen is a fighting game made by the doujin group TKO Soft. The plot is an adaptation of the adventure game Yugekitai ~Saikyo Kami Fukkatsu Yuki Kan~ made by the same company, but this is a fighting game instea of an adventure game I'd like to mention that I need a translator for the adventure game. Anybody? Please? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls: The controls use the numpad for movement. 8 is up, 6 is right, 2 is down/duck, 4 is left. There are two attack buttons, up arrow is A, right arrow is B. Special moves can be performed with 1(when facing left) or 3(when facing right), although the special is not an attack for every character. There is a power bar as well, which is charged by pressing 2 and the down arrow at the same time. When it's full, attacks do a very large amount of damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Info: The in-game story option gives a lot of information about the backstory, but not much about the characters in the game. So I'll give some information here. Kouichi Saito: The leader of the punk rock band "Yugekitai". He secretly loves Yoko Inogashira and discovered Arai's secret plot to kidnap her. Original win quote: 剣とは権。僕は…僕は遊撃隊の偉大なるリーダーなのだ!! The sword has power. I...I am the great leader of Yugekitai! Mitsuki Genkai: The granddaughter of Yukio Genkai. Recently transfered to the same high school as the other characters. Is concerned about the safety of her grandfather. Original win quote: 自分を守らなくっちゃ!! I gotta look after myself! Hiroshi Tomizawa: A youth with an unusual pair of lips on his face. Also a master of ninjitsu. A member of Yugekitai. A very quiet person. Original win quote: 虚空を制するは影―。誰も影をとらえる事はできぬ。 The shadow dominates the air. It is impossible for you to catch the shadow. Yukio Genkai: The old man who was possessed by Arai and originally killed the Yugekitai members before they were killed. Fights to restore his sanity. Original win quote: 腰ぬけのガキ共がァ…。失せい・次は‥‥殺す‥‥・ Those spineless brats... Get out of here, or next time I'll kill you! Takayoshi Yasuki: A member of Yugekitai who has massive muscles and bulging eyeballs. Very narcissistic about his body. Original win quote: わかるだろう?君たちと私とでは…ウフフフフ…! You understand, don't you? You guys and me are... Uwahahaha... Hikaru Kurosawa: A member of Yugekitai who fights with nunchaku. He hopes to become to prove to the other members that he should be in charge of the group. Original win quote: ウオラッ!!俺が遊撃隊の新!!リーダーだぜ!! Oorah!! I will become the new leader of Yugekitai! Yuichi Nobue: A genius member of Yugekitai with an IQ of 20,000 and several Nobel prizes. Built his own laser cannon with a jetpack function to fight Arai. Original win quote: 来るがいい…!そのための科学力だ。 Get over here...! I've got the scientific know-how for such an occasion. Yosuke Arai: The villian and cause of all the trouble in the storyline. Descends from an evil god(Susanoo). Only playable in VS mode, yet interestingly enough has an ending for singleplayer anyway. Original win quote: ホほう。まだ生きているか…。 Hmph. You are still alive... Super Yasuki: A buffed out Super-Saiyan-esque version of Yasuki, who appears in some of the other Yugekitai fighting games. There are files for him in the game, but he doesn't seem to be playable in either singleplayer or VS mode. If anyone can figure out how to play as him, let me know and I'll give you a cookie. Yoko Inogashira: A famous idol who attends Katsushikano High School. Acts conceited but is really just naive. Arai kidnaps her so that he can summon his god. Sun Mask: A sun god of some sort. Wants to prevent the resurrection of Susanoo and resurrects the Yugekitai members to stop Arai. Kenshiro Ikariya: A Yugekitai member with spiky hair that appears in some endings and the introduction. Ace reporter of Katsushikano High School. Isn't playable in the game and doesn't have any files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs: If you find any, let me know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: nonme345 - Doublechecking the translation DarknessSavior Paul Jensen BRPXQZME - For translating and helping with victory quotes TKO Soft - For making this awesome fighter and great series. Wish you would return my e-mails, though.