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2017 - Pachy98 updated to v0.19.1, increasing compatibility. Still no changes to content. v1.0.2 - Jul 06, 2017 - Patcher updated to Pachy98. No changes to content. v1.0.1 - May 11, 2017 - Patcher should now work on 32-bit Windows. - Trying to patch a read-only disk gives a more specific error message. - GDC Clock error message is now translated in-game. v1.0.0 - May 06, 2017 - Initial public release. 1.1 Patch ------------------------ 1.1.1 Windows ------------------ Pachy98 is 46 OkuMen's flexible patcher, new to Rusty in v1.0.2. Place your Rusty disk image files, or the game's files themselves, in the same directory as Pachy98.exe. Run Pachy98.exe and it will automatically locate your disk images. Confirm it has found the correct files, and it will back them up to the "/backup" directory and then apply the patches to the images in the root Pachy98 directory. The game's text runs a bit slowly during cut scenes, so if you're using Neko Project II, you can choose to apply an additional hack to speed it up. Pachy98 will ask you about this before the patching process begins. Once completed, you will be able to play the game in English using the disk files you placed in the root directory. 1.1.2 Mac/Linux/Other ------------------ Pachy98 is Windows-only (for now), so if you’re using another OS, you can use the provided xdelta patches in the "Mac+Linux Patches" folder. Use a utility like Delta Patcher to patch your copy of the game ( http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/704/ ). Note that this method is a lot less flexible, and only supports a few particular builds of the game. If you're patching the floppy disk images you will need to patch each individual disk with the respective patch. Note that no patch is necessary for Game Disk 3. ------------------------ 2.0 Game ------------------------ 2.1 Running the Game ------------------------ If this is your first time emulating or playing a PC-98 game, we've written a short setup guide on our site that should help you get a PC-98 emulator setup and ready to play: http://46okumen.com/pc-98-emulation/ We recommend Neko Project II, particularly np21.exe from the np2fmgen pack. Once you've patched the disk images, put the System Disk in your first floppy disk drive (FDD1), then the Opening Disk in your second floppy disk drive (FDD2). If you're using the hard disk image, simply put the hard disk image in IDE #0. Next, you simply start up (or restart) your system and the game will autoboot. This process applies to both hardware and emulators. 2.1.1 Emulator Compatibility ------------------ Again, we recommend that you use np21.exe from np2fmgen. But the translated game runs in all major emulators. We're aware of an issue that garbles the main menu text in certain builds of Neko Project II. Emulators . Works? . "Faster text" usable? ..................................................................... np21, np21nt, np21/W . Yes . Yes np2, np2nt, np2sx, np2sxnt . Main menu glitch . Yes Anex86 . Yes . Freeze T98-Next . Yes . Too fast SL9821 . Yes . No effect 2.1.2 Common Issues ------------------ If the game font is squiggly and hard to read, you should download a better one! A good one can be found, once again, at http://46okumen.com/pc-98-emulation/ . If you get an error message about the GDC Clock before starting the game in Neko Project II, follow these steps to set your GDC clock to 2.5MHz: 1) Reset the emulator and hold "END" to bring up the BIOS menu. 2) Using your arrow keys to select and enter to confirm, choose the second menu item (ディップスイッチ2の設定). 3) Set the bottom option (GDCクロック) to 2.5MHz. 4) Select the last option (終了), then select the last option again (終了). 5) Your game should auto-boot now. Enjoy! (You only have to do this once.) If while launching the patcher you get an error about api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll missing, you may need to install Visual C++ Redistributable, which is here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 2.2 About the Game ------------------------ Rusty was released in Japan for the PC-9800 series and IBM PCs on July 16th, 1993 by C-Lab Co., Ltd. It’s a side-scrolling action game where you control a female monster hunter wearing only tight-leather and gravity-defying shoulder pads who wields a whip to face the forces of darkness as she confronts an ancient evil. One of only two action games developed by C-Lab for the PC-9800 series, Rusty has gained a somewhat cult following in recent years for its solid mechanics, decent visuals, and pretty rocking soundtrack (by the combined talents of Masahiro Kajihara, Kenichi Arakawa, and Ryu Takami). Though the game is clearly based on the Castlevania series, it shares the strongest similarities with Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, which came out on October 29, 1993, three months after Rusty’s release. There are a number of sites detailing some of the similarities so if you’re into doing some research, start your Google engines. For more information, check out the fully translated manual. If it wasn't included with this download, you can find it on the Rusty project page on our website: http://46okumen.com/projects/rusty 2.3 About the Project ------------------------ The 46 OkuMen team, creators of this patch, are a young romhacking and translation team. Two of the three core members had never worked on a romhack before their first project (E.V.O.: The Theory of Evolution released in Dec 2016), that’s how new. All releases after this will likely still be a surprise, as we are now focused on attempting to bring games from the relatively unknown outside of Japan PC-9800 series of computers to a wider audience. There’s not a lot to be said on the translation aspect of the game aside from mentioning a few choices that kuoushi made in regards to romanizations of names. Most people that are familiar with Rusty have probably seen that her full name was romanized as Rustia Sprinkle in a lot of places, but we’re not exactly sure who did this romanization originally. We felt it didn’t reflect the actual Japanese pronunciation (ra-su-ti-a su-pu-ri-n-ku-u-ru, note the elongated ‘u’ sound.) well enough and went with our own romanization for the name, Rustea Sprincul. Aside from that, we did a slight localization by changing the name of the eight monsters from the Eight Legions, to the Eight Fiends. The Eight Legions are a set of guardians of Buddhist teachings, basically. If you’d like to look more into that, search for “hachi bushu” or even just “eight legions” to learn more. The rest is as close as we could make it within the confines of the space limits. For a game that's not exactly heavy on text, it needed tons of hacking to get any text to display at all. While E.V.O.: The Theory of Evolution supported ASCII text from the beginning, Rusty didn't support it anywhere and required separate assembly hacks to be written for cut scenes, in-game dialogue, the main menu, the game over screen, and some scrolling text before the ending. Plus, there was text in two image formats (.MAG and .MGX), but luckily .MAG is common enough that we were able to find a converter. This was some of hollowaytape's first assembly hacking, so the fact that it worked at all is a good sign for our future projects. 2.4 About the Core Team ------------------------ hollowaytape is a fairly new software developer who works in scientific computing. He grew up playing fan-translated games like Seiken Densetsu 3, La-Mulana, and Mother 3, and is excited to finally have the skills and free time to give something back to the community. kuoushi is a professional Japanese translator who just so happens to also translate as a hobby. He has worked on a lot of translations over the past 10+ years in many different fields, such as short stories, manga, mobile games, and more. E.V.O.: The Theory of Evolution was the first full romhacking translation project he has ever undertaken, and he's happy to have been a part of it. SkyeWelse is a web developer / graphic artist and a hardcore retro-gaming enthusiast / collector. Some of his past websites include miraigamer.net, gameflaws.com, suikocastle.com, cavestory.org, shantae.net, usamsx.com, and more recently retro-type.com, which is planned to become a gaming community at some point in the near future. As a visual person, he really enjoys turning graphics with Japanese texts into English versions. You can find more about the team and our future projects at our website: http://46okumen.com ------------------------ 3.0 Credits ------------------------ hollowaytape - Hacking kuoushi - Translation, Editing, Trailer SkyeWelse - Graphics not_log - Manual Scanlation yukinsaknos - Original Manual/Box Scans Highwang (kind of, you quitter), kuoushi - Beta Testing ------------------------ 4.0 Special Thanks ------------------------ We’d like to thank anyone who helped us on this project and whom we may have forgotten to include in the above credits. Thanks to the users of the PC-9800 Series Central Discord server for their support, enthusiasm, and tolerance throughout the project. Many, many thanks to euee, developer of the NDC utility, the foundation of our custom patching program. He improved and expanded the program in all the ways we wanted, and we never needed to ask him! You can find him here: http://euee.web.fc2.com/ kuoushi would like to thank his wife for putting up with him translating old Japanese video games at odd hours. ------------------------ 5.0 License ------------------------ This translation patch is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. A human readable version of the license (as well as the full text of the license) may be found here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ You are free to share and redistribute this patch in any format. You are free to adapt or build upon this patch in any way. However, you must give appropriate credit to us, indicate any changes you’ve made, and you may not use it for any commercial purposes. Pachy98 is covered by the Apache Public License (version 2). This license can be found here: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ------------------------ 6.0 Contact ------------------------ If you need to get in touch with us for any reason, you can send an e-mail to hollowaytape AT retro-type DOT com or swing by our website at http://46okumen.com .