STEAM HEART'S Translation by Psyklax v0.99 (20180328) CONTENTS 1. Intro 2. ROM Information 3. Options Menu 4. Final Thoughts INTRO This is an English translation of Steam Heart's for the NEC PC-98. All of the dialogue has been translated - during the game, between levels, and during the ending. The options menu and ending credits remain untranslated, as they rely on a graphics format that has not yet been determined. ROM INFORMATION There are various floppy and hard disk images of Steam Heart's, but this patch is ONLY guaranteed to work with the following hard disk image. There will be problems with other images, so it is recommended to use the one shown here. Neo Kobe - NEC PC-9801 (2017-11-17) Steam Heart's [HD].zip Steam Heart's.hdi To apply patch: 1. Download Pachy98 from 46 OkuMen: 2. Extract this zip to the same folder 3. Copy HDI/disk file(s) to the same folder 4. Run Pachy98 OPTIONS MENU Game Difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard) Game Speed (Fast 1 2 3 Slow) Sound Source Selection (GS Sound, GS Sound 2, MT-32, FM Sound Board, FM Sound Board 2, Unused) Player 1 (Key & Joystick, Mouse) Player 2 (Key & Joystick, Mouse) PCM (On, Off) Cutscenes (On, Off) High Speed (On, Off) Start Stage (1-7) Exit FINAL THOUGHTS My first PC-98 translation! It's so much easier because it uses Shift-JIS, compared to 8- and 16-bit consoles that use their own methods of storing Japanese text, often without kanji. So translating this game was a lot easier as a result. It's a straightforward game, too: a vertical shooter with only two types of main gun, and three types of sub-weapon (the one that lets you be invincible for a short time is my favourite). It's certainly not the hardest shooter I've ever come across, but the main draw (I imagine) is the inter- level cutscenes with the naked ladies and crazy plot. Well, this IS the PC-98, after all... I was introduced to the PC-98 Discord channel, and several guys there helped me out at the beginning, which was great. The main thing was getting to grips with x86 assembly, used by the PC-98, and it turned out to be not so difficult. Soon I was able to change the text routine to take ASCII text and convert it to the thin alphabet that the PC-98 has in its internal ROM, plus deal with all the little things that go along with it. It's a pity that the options and credits allude me for now, but I've put the options here, and I doubt many of you are REALLY keen to know who was behind this game. Obviously I'd love to make a complete translation one day, but someone will have to get in touch with help on the graphics format, because I've got plenty of other games to hack! See you! Tools I used for this translation: NP21trace (best debug PC-98 emu I've seen) HxD (general hex editing) WindHex32 EX (checking/touching up text) Special thanks go to Celcion on the PC-9800 Series Central channel on Discord, who gave me a routine to convert ASCII to Shift JIS, making this translation possible. Psyklax