Farland Story 2 --------------- Translation by BTAxis (contact at BTAxis@gmx.net) Special thanks to _Bnu --------------- ABOUT THIS TRANSLATION ---------------------- Farland Story 1 was fun, even though you can beat it in your sleep. And Farland Story 2 is no different. Although I must admit that the final boss in the game creamed my ass without batting an eye, you go through the other enemies like thin soup through a bed-ridden patient. What is the difference between this game and the last, you ask? Not too much. The only real change is the dialogue. There are now two text fields on the screen at the same time, and the character portraits are now more diverse, allowing for facial expressions for the major characters. I seized the opportunity to make the dialogue a little bit more interesting than it was in FS1. Instead of only "Oh, no! [insert boss's name here] is coming! Everyone, fight hard!" I added some small-talk of my own. Of course I did take care to stick to the original story - this is a translation, not a remake! A nice new option is a Music Gallery, allowing you to play all the tunes in FS2 at will, and the ones from FS1 too, if you have the disks. To avoid the annoying disk switching all the time, you can install FS2 to a hard disk, then copy all the music files from FS1 onto that disk and presto. All in all, translating this game was fun (and what more reason do I need?). I hope you can enjoy playing it. -BTAxis, 07-02-2003 NOTES WHILE PLAYING ------------------- - You will still need to use a Japanese font to play the game. Some characters are still in doublebyte, and I didn't feel like changing something that worked fine. - The monster called Balzar is really called "black knight", but since I could find no reasonable way to squeeze "black knight" in six letters, I just gave him a name. For the same reason, some enemies or items don't have their proper names. Until I find a nice PC98 disassembler/reassembler, this will stay that way. - The game isn't very hard (in fact, it's probably even easier than FS1 was, except for the last boss.). If you want to have a fun time playing, then don't do your best too much in the first missions, because otherwise you'll be left with an uninteresting mid-game. Try fighting with inferior equipment until you can't get through anymore.