Version 1.0, Released February 6th 2009 DISCLAIMER: The Welcome to Pia Carrot game includes scenes of nudity and adult situations. This patch translates the script into English and includes some adult situations and language. Please abide by the laws in your country regarding material of this type. When released in Japan this game was intended for users over the age of 18. About What can I say about this project that I haven't already? This was a really special game for me. I got a chance to play it when I was first learning Japanese. It was on a state of the art system at the time that had FMV, CD sound, high-quality video, and full voice acting. There was a time when this was just plain cool. When I started getting into translation hacking I never forgot this game and as I watched while the first steps were taken towards a PC-FX emulator I reached out to David Michel with a request to work on this project with me. Now almost 3 years later we are able to release this patch to the public. Patch This 1.0 patch is being released with a custom patcher to be applied to a bin/cue image of the CD-ROM game Pia Carrot e Youkoso for the NEC PC-FX game console. The .ppf file will automatically soft-patch if placed into the same directory as Magic Engine FX so running the patcher in this case is not necessary. In other instances you'll want to patch the .bin file and then re-burn the disc. This has been tried and the resulting disc tested on actual hardware. The custom patcher also includes a really cool feature. Music dumping! Just click the "dump musics" button to rip .wav files from the CD image. This patch is the result of a tremendous amount of effort and hard work on our part. This patch should be fully playable and is being released for the enjoyment of the fans. It has not been fully tested but the game has been played start to finish with at least 3 of the endings. This is a first release and there are some rough edges here and there so please keep this in mind. Much of the visual material has been translated into English but the opening FMVs have not been. A translation of the opening theme song lyrics can be viewed in the included file "opening song - ko-ku-ha-ku.txt". The prologue FMV includes translated soft subs for the main character but not Shouko or Satomi. Their lines have been included in an extra file called "prologue movies.txt". All spoken dialog is in Japanese. There are no plans to replace the Japanese dialog. Minor edits/additions to other things may be made in the future. Please report any bugs or suggestions to us. Translation: (Matt - Coding: (David - Thanks I'd like to thank David Michel for his tireless work on this project. Without his unparalleled technical knowledge and unfailing commitment to this project (started by a total stranger I might add. That's me :) ) this project never would have been completed. He has made the project his own and I'm really honored to have been able to work together with him on this. Eien ni Hen for translating this opening theme song KO-KU-HA-KU (Confession) and for a bunch of various translation assistance. BRPXQZME and DarthNemesis for help with the music screen. I can't find record of it on anymore but whoever it was that helped me with the line about the "secret technique flipping the table" line, thanks again for your help. Zigfried and David Shadoff for being great resources and for general enthusiasm and support. Thanks to all the fans who have written me asking about progress or offering assistance. This is easily the project of mine that has generated the most fan interest and that has helped keep me excited about bringing this game to others even more than myself. Thanks of course to Cocktail Soft for this classic, charming, and generally heart warming game. Everyone involved in the production of this game and the PC-FX version, especially the voice cast, did a fantastic job. I of course also thank NEC for releasing the fun, but ultimately under appreciated PC-FX game system. A blanket thank you to anyone else who assisted me that I may have omitted. And thank you for playing! Enjoy!