Pokemon Breeder mini English Translation ---------------------------------------- Finally ! Finished ! I was worried for a while on successfully completing the translation due to difficulties in translating the large quantity of japanese dialogs. After doing all the graphic translations and code patches I was simply stuck, Unable to translate those dialogs. Months passed by without any progress. But then, Lupin found someone who is very good at japanese. This person is no one else then snesy. He's great at japanese. As soon as he joined, it took him just a couple of days to translate all those japanese dialogs. With the translations now done I could pick up the thread and continue. Less then two weeks later I finished the translation. Credits ------- Code patches and Graphics translations.......Mr.Blinky Japanese text dialogs translations...........snesy Graphics transations.........................Wa Special Thanks -------------- To JustBurn, for his exelent PokeMini debugger. To Lupin, for his flash cart, tools and introducing snesy. Every one on pmdev for cheering. Note for playing the game on real hardware. Like the original when you "power off" while you are in the house or outside, the Pokémon mini doesn't realy power off. It switches off the display and cart slot and enters a sleeplike mode. But every 4~5 minutes it powers up shortly. This will drain the battery faster. To save the battery, choose QUICK BREAK in the ingame menu and then power off your pokemon mini. Have fun playing Pokémon Breeder mini English translation Mr.Blinky, July 2011