Tales of Destiny 2 (PlayStation 2) English translation Not to be confused with the Tales of Destiny II on the PS1 in North America, this is the ill-fated sequel to the original Tales of Destiny that never crossed the Pacific. The North American ToDII is actually Tales of Eternia which has has nothing to do with the storylines in the Destiny subseries. This game is the fourth entry in the main Tales series. We're aiming for an early menu-only translation patch soon, and a full translation patch down along the lines. Project news summary (6/28/08) A pre-alpha patch for the menu translation has been released. Patches available for every Japanese copy of the game. Patch Releases Pre-Alpha 1: See this forum post for download and details. Current staff Cless: Coordination, hacking, reverse-engineering, minor translator, coding Klarth: Coding help and putting up with my n00bness with it Kvar: Script Translation Lanyn: Script Translation Alyx: Script Translation _Bnu: Early coding Menu translating and editing help, in no particular order: Kajitani-Eizan, gogs, Eien Ni Hen, throughhim413, highfly, Leroy, Azu, supersonic1453, KBTKaiser, Kevassa, Kiko, Cyllya, ryochan, octarineblues, Tammaiya and possibly others not coming to mind. Other credits Kyo316: for the Mega Hits edition of the game Carnivol: for the The Best edition of the game