FRONT MISSION 5: SCARS OF THE WAR FAN TRANSLATION PROJECT, BETA PATCH NOTES By Front Mission Series: The Fan Translation Project --------------------- VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE --------------------- The patch translates everything into English. There is just one thing that hasn't been inserted and that is... EVENTS: - Event 01 with English subtitles Due to sound issues, we could not insert this into the game. We could do it, but there would be no sound playing and we feel this would take away from the experience. However, we have a workaround solution for this. To see this event, please go to YouTube and check LegaiaRules' account. The video will be up with the appropriate title on this user account. ENGLISH PACKAGING: If you have not already done soon, the team has uploaded a complete English package of the game at The package includes the DVD box cover, disc label, and instruction manual. Please enjoy our gifts to you! OTHER: On a final note, due to countless inquiries that we have received, you MUST PLAY THROUGH THE PREVIOUS FOUR FRONT MISSIONS TO TRULY UNDERSTAND WHAT GOES ON IN FRONT MISSION 5: SCARS OF THE WAR! We cannot stress this enough after realizing the 100s of connections, easter eggs, and such that are placed in the game. Here is a quick breakdown of Front Mission 5's story and its relation to the other installments: (Standalone) Front Mission 5: Scars of the War - 50% (Connections) Front Mission 1st - 20% Front Mission 2 - 20% Front Mission 3 - 7.5% Front Mission 4 - 2.5% Optional Bonus: Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness (remake of 2089 and 2089-II) - 2.5% If you have not played any of these installments and don't have the time to tackle them all, you only really need Front Missions 1st, 2, and 3. These three have the most plot relevance and spoiler material in the game, the first two in particular. Front Mission 4 is not really necessary unless you want to see how some situations come to be. Aside from connections, the following installments are referenced: Front Mission: Alternative Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness Front Mission 1st Front Mission 2 Front Mission 3 Front Mission 4 DO NOT fret if you can't find Front Mission 2 or can't understand it; this is our NEXT project! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATES ------- General information on the project can be found on the following link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We do not condone piracy in any form. We intend to respect Square Enix copyrights as fully as possible. This is a purely voluntary, not-for-profit localization effort. We do this for love, not profit, of the series. we hope Square Enix will have empathy and understanding on this matter. ********************************* PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING SECTION ********************************* Team's Note: We do not encourage distribution of patches through BitTorrent or other means. This is very disrespectful to us and the hard work we put into the project. Basically, this is plagiarism. If any sort of patch or patched copy is found outside of, we WILL NOT MAKE FUTURE PATCHES AVAILABLE ON THE DOWNLOADS SECTION! That means when we release future patches, you will have to prove to us that you will refrain from this sort of action. Respect the team, do not attempt to distribute patches or patched copies outside of, and all will be well. Likewise, please refrain from selling patches or patched copies of the game. This is illegal and will likely attract unwanted attention(namely Square Enix). We DO NOT want to encounter any form of legal trouble so keep this in mind. ----------------------- VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER ----------------------- KEEP THIS PATCH AND ANY PATCHED IMAGES OF THE GAME OFF THE INTERNET IF YOU WANT TO SEE ANY OTHER FRONT MISSIONS TRANSLATED BY US AND DON'T WANT SQUARE ENIX TO CEASE-AND-DESIST US! IF YOU WANT TO SEE FRONT MISSION 2 AND ANY OTHER JAPANESE-ONLY FM GAMES, RESPECT OUR REQUESTS! ***************************** PLEASE READ THE ABOVE SECTION ***************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Team's Note: For privacy(and safety) reasons, names given are based on our online names from GameFAQs or other forums. While everyone on the team multi-tasks, only their primary role is listed below. These are also listed in the in-game and instruction manual credits sections. ---------- MANAGEMENT ---------- Project Manager: LegaiaRules Website Manager: IcemanUK ----------- TRANSLATION ----------- Translator Lead: Vicious_KAT Translators: BRPXQZME ArkGear LegaiaRules mahoryu silverfox wswingley slavikcc ------- EDITING ------- Editing Lead: mikklo slavikcc Editors: LegaiaRules mahoryu inihility Vicious_KAT Snarkles GUI Artist: Peter08101985 Military Advisor: willchu Political Advisor: slavikcc ----------- PROGRAMMING ----------- Programming Lead: AK_Clan_ER Programmers: bayfield w_z ---------------------- QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) ---------------------- QA Lead: Dunan Mithryn QA Analysts: FBMWhite SlamVook -------------- SPECIAL THANKS -------------- Individuals: - MoxHypKa for assistance in locating text assets, the subtitles in the Epilogue screen, and good feedback on the patches - Djinn for assistance in change the Winning/Losing Condition GUI files into a readable format, in which they could be edited - HoRRoR for help on manipulating with pointers and the font tables Others: - Toshiro Tsuchida for creating the Front Mission series - Square Enix for developing the Front Mission series - GameFAQs community for their support - community for their support - community for their ROM hacking advices ...and all fans who support this project