====================================================================== Ar tonelico 2 Retranslation Project Metafalica Version 1.0 ====================================================================== 0. Legality and pre-requisites ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PACKAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. This patch contains only the deltas (differences between the original and modified files). To be able to apply this patch, you will have to obtain an .iso of the US version of the game. WE WILL NOT PROVIDE YOU WITH A SOURCE and any inquiries regarding that will be ignored and the posts deleted. You can create an .iso off your owned copy using imaging software like ImgBurn. Furthermore, either a working setup of pcsx2, or a modified PS2 that allows you to play backups, is required. The patch also fixes the Raki bug in a different way than the "raki fix" by asmodean, fully restoring the Phase Change algorithm. The xdelta3.exe included in the archive is open source, licensed under the Apache Public License 2.0 at the moment of writing. For details, see here: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Verify the filename is "ar_tonelico_2_us.iso" 2) Extract the patch into the same directory as the .iso 3) Execute us_to_metafalica.bat. You should now see a black window pop up and the patching process will begin. 4) Once the patching process is over, you can rename the resulting .iso into whatever you like. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Troubleshooting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) "xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT" This indicates that the .iso is incorrect, it does not match the checksum of the original iso used to create the patch. Make sure you have a correct, untampered ar_tonelico_2_us.iso, by verifying the md5 checksum (ar_tonelico_2_us.md5). To do that, you could use a checksum checker like HashCheck: http://code.kliu.org/hashcheck/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Translators: aquagon, fetjuel, kWhazit Editors: void Graphic Editors: Kari, Soukyuu Coders: Morganite, TerraBreaker, Cless, void, RyleFury Special thanks to asmodean for developing the original Ar tonelico 2 unpacking and repacking tools, and to CUE for developing the LZR compressor/decompressor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Should you have a problem with this patch, you're welcome to visit the forums at http://w11.zetaboards.com/Revatail_Hymmne/forum/3770697/ Note: this section requires a free account to view at the moment.