7th Dragon 2020-II for PSP English Translation Patch v0.90 October 22, 2018 by Geoff Embree Table of Contents 1. Installation and Disclaimer 2. Translation Notes 3. Technical Notes 4. Credits 5. Version History 6. Tips and Tricks 7. Contact ============================== 1. Installation and Disclaimer ============================== This is the xdelta version of the patch, meant to be applied using an xdelta patching utility - I use KaoiShin's simple frontend at http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/ This patch has been tested on PC in PPSSPP. It may run on jpcsp and other platforms, but you're on your own. I have not tested the patch on hardware or other emulators/platforms (e.g. mobile), so please post your experiences to help other people; there should be no reason the patch should not work on most setups. I'm happy to note that 7th Dragon 2020-II is available on the Japanese PSN store, and it's even relatively affordable, so go pick it up before playing! This is a wonderful situation where you can support the publisher directly, rather than buying used and providing no real benefit over piracy. 7th Dragon III: Code VFD is officially available in English, so picking that up supports the (possible) future of the series too, with a side of "please localize these games". This translation patch and accompanying works are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0). However, while the patch is released as a derivative work of 7th Dragon 2020 under the fair dealing exemption into the public domain, and I waive all of my own rights, the original rights holders for 7th Dragon 2020 retain all rights to 7th Dragon 2020, and virtually any use of this work by anyone else is likely still subject to a determination of fair dealing. I merely mean that the portion original to me is usable noncommercially, with attribution, by anyone. ============================== 2. Translation Notes ============================== As previously, the translation likely contains some errors, but should not impact your enjoyment. It is somewhat better than 7th Dragon 2020's translation, which was significantly better than 7th Dragon DS's. Ordinarily I prefer to slavishly follow official localizations, but we're in a tricky spot, since this game is a direct sequel to 7th Dragon 2020. Many references would be confusing if I suddenly jumped to follow VFD. So the rough order of precedence is 2020 > VFD > DS; Lucier over Rushe, but Emille over Emel. Please don't interpret this as a knock on the localization of VFD, which was solid. While bits of Japanese text remain in the game, their meaning is generally redundant to English text already on screen. The full-screen splash screens are translated in the corner. ================ 3. Technical Notes/Known Issues ================ Historically, there's been one major bug per release. So while I think I got them all, you may wish to wait a bit for the kinks to be worked out. (Name entry should be fine. Older versions of PPSSPP may still require you to hit R for English Full-Width, however.) I've done a poor job in the past of updating the patch after release. I'm going to try hard this time to circle back in one month and release a v1.00 to fix any typos, minor graphical issues, and flubbed lines. So feel free to flag these on Twitter or anywhere else for me. ========== 4. Credits ========== Special thanks to my wife for tolerating many, many hours of this nonsense. Thanks to ChepChep for his thoughtfulness and assistance. Thanks to the Atlus/SEGA team for bringing 7th Dragon III: Code VFD in style, so I can finally rest. And yet again, without PPSSPP, and its debugger, this project would have been impossible. Thanks to everyone on the team, in particular Kingcom who contributed mightily to the improved debugger but also to everyone else, major and minor helpers alike. ================== 5. Version History ================== 0.90: April Fool's! Initial release 10/22/2018. I would treat this as an open beta; feel free to wait a week to see if any significant kinks remain. ========== 6. Contact ========== You can send questions or comments on the patch or anything else as comments to my blog at cavespeak.org, through the "Ask" function to tumblr "pokeytax", or tweet to Twitter account @pokeytax. I may not reply due to volume but I try to read everything. To be honest, while I appreciate all feedback, thank-you notes tend to run together after a while. So feel free just to join in discussion of the game online. I'll probably find it at some point, and I appreciate both positive and critical comments.