/ ̄ ̄丶               〃 / `ヽ        |ノ人レ人))            こ{ニj{八八リ))         レル゚O-Oノル ←         >(i|@ヮ@         田村麻奈美 │嫌い   沙織・バジーナ           ↑│    │       , ↑│   ..お婆ちゃん ││好き  \     キモヲタ ││仲間           │↓       \      │↓          / ̄ ̄丶        \  / ̄ ̄丶              / ̄ ̄丶         厶ィ//レヘハ   キモウト |八(丶キ|     大好き    |//レ丶)  ... ..       ヽピー゚ノ″  ───→  /イル゚ヮ゚ノル <──────  |リ゚ヮ゚ノリ          高坂京介   ←───  高坂桐乃 ──────→ 新垣あやせ            │↑    大好き     ↑│  \    親友     ↑│            ││ ..                ││    \ .          ,││            ││        .  妹ヲタ││電波   \      恐い││友達       ゴスロリ ││好き            .│↓        \リアルメルル    │↓         女, ││           (ツ'´ ̄ ツ)       \    へ8" ̄ ̄8へ            │└──────  | |_」L」|」        \─→ ( (/ィ人レ人) )            └──────→  |(i」゚ ー゚ソ」             ()人 ゚Д゚人(                           黒猫               来栖加奈子 Oreimo Tsuzuku PSP Disc 1 Full Patch v1.0 This translation patch for Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai ga Tsuzuku Wake ga Nai Disc 1 is brought to you by Rinjinbu Translations. You can find us at the following places. irc.rizon.net #rinjinbu http://notcliche.com/ziddy @dizzy_ziddy -------------------- !!!DISCLAIMER!!! -------------------- This is an UNOFFICIAL patch. It is fanmade and it is released for free, with no intention of making profit from it. If you liked the game and obtained it illegaly, please buy the retail game and support the developers and author! You can do so at http://tiny.cc/buyoreimopsp with a Japanese PSN account! Please do not redistribute this patch with the game, as it puts our project at risk!! If you see people doing this, please let them know the potential harm they can cause. =================================== ======== Technical Information ======== =================================== -------------------- Patch Contents & Instructions -------------------- TRANSLATED Story Content Ingame Flowchart OREs UNTRANSLATED CG Commentaries CG Titles Twoshot Barrage (unlockable) HOW TO PATCH 1. Get your ISO file ready! (Rip it from the UMD/PSN copy) 2. Drag the ISO file and drop it on patch.bat 3. Success! HOW TO TURN LEGAL PSN COPY TO PATCHED ISO 1. Get a Japanese PSN Account! (Google for tutorials) 2. Go to http://tiny.cc/buyoreimopsp to buy Oreimo Tsuzuku PSP! (play-asia or nipponyasan to get 3000 yen JP PSN Cards) 3. Download the following package and extract it! https://mega.co.nz/#!Mt4WzBYb!RBEg3a0hStw7bzi_96Wp7KwAeyy102x9BfO7jE_S__w 4. Install Media Go and login to your Japanese PSN Account using Media Go 5. Download Oreimo PSP to your computer by accessing Store and the Download List button on the top right! 6. Locate Downloaded files at default directory Documents\Media Go\Downloads 7. Start PSN.PKG.Decryptor.&.Extractor.v1.74a-LMAN 8. Convert JP0700-NPJH50568_00-0000000000000001.pkg into ISO! 9. Now drag and drop NPJH-50568.iso to the patch.bat! 10 SUCCESS! YOU SUPPORTED THEM OFFICIALLY AND YOU AREN'T A HORRIBLE PERSON FOR PIRATING! -------------------- Known Issues -------------------- 1. Backlog Crashes - Accessing the backlog in the game has the risk of the game crashing while you're scrolling through the backlog. - Currently the game has the potential to crash if you access the backlog in - Kirino's Route (playing SisxSis together) - Please save often! -------------------- Reporting a bug / mistranslation / issue -------------------- Please use this website to report any problems encountered in the game or leave a comment in the patch post! http://code.google.com/p/oreimo-beta-psp/issues/list?can=1&q=&colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&cells=tiles =================================== =========== Afterword ============== =================================== Thanks for actually scrolling all the way down to this point and taking the time to read this. 2 May 2011 12:15AM, the start of the Oreimo PSP Translation project through the medium of Youtube Videos. It all began when I came across the Chinese fantranslation of Oreimo PSP but I was having trouble reading it, it's not that I didn't know Chinese, but I was lazy and preferred to read it in English. I then asked around in an IRC Channel that I frequent for help, Valena came into the picture and it all began. For a while, it was rather easygoing and quite awesome reading everyone's responses to the videos. Over the time, the project grew exponentially in scale. A simple Youtube project that attracted the attention of hundreds if not thousands, causing a bunch of skilled and talented people to step forward, offering help. One thing lead to another and my initial laziness created something I couldn't have imagined back when I started the Youtube videos. I was new to all of this, but many were patient and supportive. Believing in the project and in me as a Project Lead. We might have argued and disagreed over things, even to the point of breaking away from the project, but I've learnt many things from this experience. I've met many great people through the process of this project as well, both fans and volunteers alike, all with the common interest of Oreimo and the desire for the opportunity to play the games in English. You guys were the source of my motivation and I couldn't have done it alone without all of your support. The intention of this project is not to rip the creators off, but to do what they couldn't, localizing the Oreimo PSP game series. As fans, we're even encouraging others to support the creators and the developers. If you ever considered donating to us, send your money towards that direction instead. The translation of Disc 2 is still in the works, but we'll be taking a break after this release. To the fans, thanks for your support, I hope to see your many reactions playing this game. Feel free to tweet at me about it, I don't mind that. To the hardworking staff and volunteers, you guys deserve more than a break. I wish I could do more for you all, but all I can offer is a small token of appreciation. And most of all, thanks for believing. This has been a life changing experience. Project Lead, Dizzy Ziddy (@dizzy_ziddy) -------------------- Credits (Also in the Ending Credits) -------------------- TRANSLATORS / TRANSLATION CHECKERS ArcaneAria ChuunibyouYuusha dango Ddd EternalDreamer jaypee Keisuke999 Kylon Taly Oosran Otonashi Valena EDITORS Ech0Sierra Junn RadicalR sm2345 Zeroaintdead TECHIES Chronoes Falaina RoByte thexyz PROJECT LEAD Dizzy Ziddy