___________ .__ __ .___ __________.__ .__ \__ ___/_ _ _|__| _______/ |_ ____ __| _/ \______ \ |__ ____ ____ ____ |__|__ ___ | | \ \/ \/ / |/ ___/\ __\/ __ \ / __ | | ___/ | \ / _ \_/ __ \ / \| \ \/ / | | \ /| |\___ \ | | \ ___// /_/ | | | | Y ( <_> ) ___/| | \ |> < |____| \/\_/ |__/____ > |__| \___ >____ | |____| |___| /\____/ \___ >___| /__/__/\_ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ________ ___________ .__ __ .__ / _____/_____ _____ ____ \__ ___/___________ ____ _____| | _____ _/ |_|__| ____ ____ / \ ___\__ \ / \_/ __ \ | | \_ __ \__ \ / \ / ___/ | \__ \\ __\ |/ _ \ / \ \ \_\ \/ __ \| Y Y \ ___/ | | | | \// __ \| | \\___ \| |__/ __ \| | | ( <_> ) | \ \______ (____ /__|_| /\___ > |____| |__| (____ /___| /____ >____(____ /__| |__|\____/|___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Suikoden: Woven Web of the Centuries Patch Version: 1.0.1 - 10/15/2021 (October 15th, 2021) English language release Patch webpage: https://suikodenwoven.website -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch is for the game Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki for the PlayStation Portable (PSP). The entire game, including graphics, has been translated from Japanese to English. Animated movies have also been captioned in English. The NTSC-J version of the game is required for this patch. Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki Serial: ULJM 05886 Internal Serial: NPJH-50535 Size: 1,367,769,088 Bytes CRC32: d746b3ab MD5: d7142d766a2bfbdf9ae27680bd237e7c SHA1: 0fabef0bd8ad9fa5782f9fc9c25dd61728bc6e2c To use the patch, open the included DeltaPatcher file. Add your copy of Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki in the 'Original File' section. Add the included patch file in the 'XDelta Patch' section. Click 'Apply Patch' and wait for the process to complete. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Miscelleanous typo fixes and corrections. - Skill "Magic Orb" renamed to "Magus Sphere". - Skill "Spear Strike" renamed to "Spear Parry". - Dialogue clarification for Zephon. Line "Not just people. The same goes for objects." has been changed to "Not just people. The same goes for man-made objects." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project team -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matze - Supervisor, tester, proof-reader manakoDE - Hacking, programming Day Devereux - Translation, localization, graphics, captioning, tester NS - Editor, tester, proof-reader Vextor - Proof-reader TundraG3ckO - HD texture pack And many anonymous contributors from across the Suikoden and fan translation communities! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- General information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This path is for free and we disassociate ourselves from commercial abuse. Please do not purchase this translation from any individual or application. Although vigorously tested, the user is response for any unintended results from using this patch. Members of Twisted Phoenix Game Translation cannot be prosecuted for loss or damage from using the patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings & thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We'd like to shout out the entire Twisted Phoenix Game Translation team who supported this hectic project from beginning to end. We also wish to thank the supportive Suikoden community and their enthusiasm for this translation. And finally, we single out chopp2, Gil_Unx, Culgan Valya, onelmon, SSnakeAce, and Osamu Komuta for help, contributions, and inspiration during these past six months. We hope you enjoy the game!