------------------------------------------ #### Patcher Program for MHFU (EU/US) #### ------------------------------------------ WARNING : Applying a wrong patch may corrupt the iso, so make sure to backup the ISO first for your own safety !! Im not taking any responsabilty on how you use this program and what you do with it !! ---------------------------- ## HOW TO APPLY A PATCH ? ## ---------------------------- Note: Applying this patch will remove censorship from the game as it was necessary to remove the blacklist of censored words to free up space and be able to place the content of this patch. 1 or more patches are already included with this program Check "PATCH_INFOS.txt" for more details and "Documentation" for more in-deep details. - Copy or move your mhfu iso file inside "iso" folder - Make sure the file is not open anywhere else - Run "patch.bat" (Windows) or check the "additional infos" section below if you use another OS - If there are multiple patch/iso files, you will be asked to select the one to use - If everything is OK, you will be asked to type "y" to patch the iso - Type y then enter - Test the patched iso Alternatively: You can download xdelta (https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/) and patch (or unpatch) your iso using the files inside the xdelta folder. ---------------------- ## ADDITIONAL INFOS ## ---------------------- The source files are written in python, and available inside "src" directory You can run the program using them from any OS (python 2.7 required) Open a terminal from the "src" directory and type in the following command: python main.py You can also run "start.bat" script on windows You are free to use, modifiy, and distribute this program Py2exe has been used to create the executable http://py2exe.org/ Patches provided with this program have been made with Codestation's "mhtools" program Documentation and source code available https://github.com/codestation/mhtools To do more easily the job on this patch, also was used the following GUI for "mhtools" made by EclipseKnight. https://github.com/EclipseKnight/mhtoolsgui ------------ ## THANKS ## ------------ Thanks to Codestation. *For his program "mhtools", which has been used to create this patch. *For his MHP3RD patcher (https://github.com/codestation/mhp3_patcher_pc) whose code was useful to create this program. *For his patch in spanish for the dummy items (MHFU Patcher v0.4) from which we took the idea of ​​adding some corrections in the dialogues/text of the game to our spanish dummy patch, and also we took the number of the lines of text that were corrected on his patch to know whose edit. Thanks to Sky. *For his enormous contribution to create the patches in English and Spanish. **Collecting translations (in english) of the Japanese names of dummy items to place them in the patch. **Dedicating his time to find the lines of text in the MHFU strings belonging to almost all the dummy items to be able to edit them. **Creating a program capable of patching an MHFU iso, necessary to apply this patch :). **Dedicating his time to determine whose folders were edited in the Codestation patch. **Editing strings, testing patches and the program to patch them. *For the good vibes and for facilitating many things to me (amaillo) to helping him, including do his first patch public in 2017 :). Thanks to amaillo. *For his enormous contribution to creating the patches in English and Spanish. **Gathering information about others fan-translations that came before (TeamHGG for MHP2G and codestation for MHFU) and official translations (in the case of the pirate's equipment, those are in MHGen) **Translating TeamHGG's work into Spanish and, together with the collaboration of Kenta, Ruumi and Tywalina, translating names and descriptions of items directly from Japanese to English and Spanish. **Putting all the pertinent information to the dummy items (Japanese original names/descriptions, translations, translation decisions and process) in a single document. **Dedicating his time to search whose string lines were edited/corrected in the Codestation patch. **Editing strings, testing patches and the program to patch them. **Checking the meaning of Kanjis and Japanese vocabulary words in online dictionaries such as Jisho, Wiktionary and Weblio in order to ensure higher quality translations. Thanks to TeamHGG whose translations in their patch for MHP2G served as the basis for making translations more solid and accurate. Thanks to Tywalina for the information provided related to the "Gavas" currency used by Famitsu, as well as the meaning of PT in certain item (PT Famitsu Tckt). Thanks to Ruumi who, with his knowledge of Japanese, helped to determine better names for dummy items that had "problematic" names or not very precise, as well for expanding our knowledge about the origin of the name Amezari. Thanks to Kenta. *For his enormous collaboration as a adviser/translator/adapter for the descriptions of a lot of dummy items from Japanese to English. **For his explanations of the meaning of many Japanese characters and expressions, as well as the origin of some dummy objects (Amezari, Diasorte, etc). PS: He has a YouTube channel dedicated to MHFU/MHP2G with many Gunlance hunts and a series of videos hunting the bigger y smaller monsters for the crowns! You can check it here: https://www.youtube.com/c/KENTASCHANNEL Thanks to Nordal for providing us the link to the Codestation patch and to Davoker for referring us to Nordal. Thanks to EclipseKnight for his graphical interface for "mhtools" which made the task of writing commands less intense, and also for his advices. Thanks to the devs of free online translators tools like Google, Yandex, Bing and Japanese-English dictionary's like Mazii, Jisho, Weblio etc, as well as Notepad ++ developer Don Ho and the creator of the plugin to compare text files in Notepad ++, jsleroy. ... And to everyone else that we may have forgotten to mention along the way, please know that we are grateful. This text has been edited by Sky and amaillo ^-^.