iS - Internal Section English Translation Released: 04/29/08 (Something ended up hiding in the last version's text system patch. Then more formatting issues) Uses the Playstation Patching Format (*.PPF) Windows: Mac: Java: A .bin file was originally used, and these patches failed to work on a .iso conversion. Due to this patching, a bin/cue image with a bin file of exactly 248,107,776 bytes in length is recommended, but may not truly be required. iS - Internal Section Warning.ppf - This is a health and safety warning shown before the game. iS - Internal Section Text.ppf - This is the text system, like the save menu, in english. iS - Internal Section Graphic.ppf - This is for the Music Selection screen. Removes a graphic. Apply all 3 patches to the same image, in any order. Applying twice won't hurt anything. Applying the 'Undo patch data' will restore whichever edited element you want to it's original form. Applying the undo data twice also won't hurt anything. On the 'Music Selection' screen, you can switch out the disk for a music cd of your choice and have that going while you play. The reason this isn't on there is because the image is a raw image of a type I was unable to edit reliably, or even load in an editor correctly. It's also because the message essentially tells you that you can use your own Music CD, which you can't if you burn this to a CD-R. It won't let you swap the CD-R back in after you're done without a modchip. Personal notes: This didn't take long. I'm surprised nobody else took the time to do this, honestly. I know there were a few hiccups in getting all the text systems up to speed, editing the warning, and finding the music selection image, but it's been less than a week, and it's basically all done. Enjoy the patch, good luck finding the game, because we won't help you. Thanks to Squaresoft for making the game, it's fun, and it's got good beats. ©GSHI.ORG