FRONT MISSION 2 FAN TRANSLATION PROJECT, FINAL PATCH NOTES By Front Mission: Series Translation Project --------------------- VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE --------------------- This is the official Final Patch release. This release contains the following translations: - Interfaces - Game Data - Missions - Tutorials - Events (Special Events Only) With respect to the special events, there are two types of them: events which are displayed in 3D graphics, and intermission events. Intermission events are basically events that take place on a "battle" map, without actually going into a mission. Roughly 75% of the game has been translated. In the event of compatibility issues, we have included two versions of the patch. To identify each version, please read below: Version 1 - PATCHFV1 Version 2 - PATCHFV2 If the Version 1 patch does not work, please try Version 2 and vice versa. This patch release works with the Front Mission 2 History and Ultimate Hits versions. However, it can also work with a Front Mission 2 ISO converted to those versions using the data conversion tool. If you are using Linux or OSX, a fan going by the name of "prurigro" has created a Bash script that converts the original version into the History and Ultimate Hits version. This script file has also been included in this file archive. Copyright note from "prurigro": "I hereby grant all copyright for this email and any attachments included with it to the project manager of the project, known by the alias LegaiaRules, and absolve myself of any personal claim to the copyright for this email and any attachments included with it." On a final note, make sure your copy of Front Mission 2 is clean and NOT tampered with. The patch will only work in this particular circumstance. As a quick guide, here is the file size for a clean .ISO version of Front Mission 2 History and Ultimate Hits versions: Size = 426,215,328 Size on Disk = 426,217,472 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATES ------- General information on the project can be found on the following links: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We do not condone piracy in any form. We intend to respect Square Enix copyrights as fully as possible. This is a purely voluntary, not-for-profit localization effort. We do this for love, not profit, of the series. we hope Square Enix will have empathy and understanding on this matter. ********************************* PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING SECTION ********************************* Team's Note: We do not encourage distribution of patches through BitTorrent or other means. This is very disrespectful to us and the hard work we put into the project. Basically, this is plagiarism. If any sort of patch or patched copy is found outside of, we WILL NOT MAKE FUTURE PATCHES AVAILABLE ON THE DOWNLOADS SECTION! That means when we release future patches, you will have to prove to us that you will refrain from this sort of action. Respect the team, do not attempt to distribute patches or patched copies outside of, and all will be well. Likewise, please refrain from selling patches or patched copies of the game. This is illegal and will likely attract unwanted attention(namely Square Enix). We DO NOT want to encounter any form of legal trouble so keep this in mind. THIS DISCLAIMER ALSO APPLIES TO THE ATTACHED EVENT SCRIPT, SO PLEASE DO NOT TRY AND DISTRIBUTE OUR WORK OUTSIDE OF FRONTMISSION.INFO! ----------------------- VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER ----------------------- KEEP THIS PATCH AND ANY PATCHED IMAGES OF THE GAME OFF THE INTERNET IF YOU WANT TO SEE ANY OTHER FRONT MISSIONS TRANSLATED BY US AND DON'T WANT SQUARE ENIX TO CEASE-AND-DESIST US! IF YOU WANT TO SEE FRONT MISSION ALTERNATIVE AND ANY OTHER JAPANESE-ONLY FM GAMES, RESPECT OUR REQUESTS! ***************************** PLEASE READ THE ABOVE SECTION ***************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Team's Note: For privacy(and safety) reasons, names given are based on our online names from GameFAQs or other forums. While everyone on the team multi-tasks, only their primary role is listed below. ---------- MANAGEMENT ---------- Project Manager: LegaiaRules Website Manager: IcemanUK ----------- TRANSLATION ----------- Translator Lead: Vicious_KAT Translators: LegaiaRules slavikcc ------- EDITING ------- Editing Lead: slavikcc Editors: LegaiaRules Vicious_KAT Military Advisor: willchu Political Advisor: slavikcc ----------- PROGRAMMING ----------- Programming Lead: AK_Clan_ER Programmers: MoxHypKa CWDals ---------------------- QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) ---------------------- QA Lead: LegaiaRules QA Analysts: slavikcc Vicious_KAT -------------- SPECIAL THANKS -------------- Individuals: - Alcahest for extracting most of the text assets and organizing them into a neatly arranged database - Carnivol for creating the data conversion tool - Powerpuff for assisting in creating a workaround for the patch compatibility issue between the History and Ultimate Hits versions Others: - Toshiro Tsuchida for creating the Front Mission series - Square Enix for developing the Front Mission series - GameFAQs community for their support ...and all fans who support this project