Clock Tower: The First Fear (SLPS-00917) English Translation v1.1 ___Applying the Patch___ The patch is in XDELTA format, which means a program such as xdeltaUI will be needed to apply the patch. The patch file was generated using a .CUE/.BIN rip as a basis. The CD-ROM has two tracks, the second being an audio track which consists of the random bonus song file, LIKE55.WAV. Because of this structure, using different ripping programs will result in images with slightly different data at the junction between the two tracks. The rip that the patch was based on was created with a separate .BIN file for each track. The patch itself uses only the first track as a basis. This means that the patch will work on most rips with a single .BIN file, but will truncate the second track from the image. It's not really a drawback, unless you really enjoy listening to a hideously happy sounding music track, which in the context of this game, seems entirely inapropriate. But who knows, maybe it's meant to be a mood-lifter to lessen the effect of witnessing all those horrific deaths. ___Acknowledgements___ Hacking: arcraith Main Translation: Enetirnel Additional Translation: Lullaby Script Editing: Flamzeron A special thank you to everyone who helped to test the patch. Thank you also to Gideon Zhi for allowing the use of the font used in his translation for the SNES version. Finally, a shoutout to the (dwindling) community at the Don't Cry Jennifer forums, which was my stomping ground while working on this project. Hopefully the upcoming NightCry game will breathe a little bit of life back into the community, because these games really deserve more of a following.