Finger Flashing Version 1.00 Translation R.I.P. Translations - ____________________________________________________________ WHAT'S NEW v1.00 - Graphics now translated. v.90 - Everything of course. ____________________________________________________________ TRANSLATION NOTES SBecause of space limitations, I had to shorten down the names of the stages. In other words "Reflect Lake" became "Lake". Oh yeah, and instead of "Downtown Highness Castle" I changed to "Bridge" since it's like a bridge to the castle anyways (and besides, it fit the text space well, you try to shorten "Downtown Highness Castle" to just 7 letters =P) But other than that, it's fully translated. =) ____________________________________________________________ HOW TO PATCH First, you have to make a bin/cue rip of your original CD using CDrwin (v3.8D was the one tested). After making an image of the Japanese game, use SNEStool to apply the IPS to the .bin image. Burn the game and play away. ____________________________________________________________ CREDITS Hacking (or whatever you like to call it) Reiginsei Translator David Mullen ____________________________________________________________ LEGAL STUFF R.I.P. Translations' Finger Flashing patch is not official nor supported by Sony, Affect, or any other entity associated with the "Finger Flashing" trademark or franchise. To be able to play the Finger Flashing translation, you MUST own the original Japanese version of the game. No goods, services, or money can be charged for the translaton in any form, nor may it be included in conjunction with any other offer or monetary exchange. The Finger Flashing translation is provided AS IS, and its use is at your own risk. Reiginsei, David and anyone else mentioned in this document will not be held liable for any damages, direct or otherwise, arising from its use or presence. ____________________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION R.I.P. Translations www: Reiginsei email: ____________________________________________________________ THANKS The complimentary "Thank You" goes out to Affect for making this game. I need to find more games by these guys. ^_^ Thanks to Stovetop for hosting me at, yay! ;) Thanks to David for translating the very little text for me. Thanks to BadTaste` for pointing me in the direction of this fun lil' game. Thanks to Gideon Zhi for showing me a good S-JIS viewer/editor. And now, a shout out to all the guys in #rareroms and #shiznitz, two channels which I have not been to in a long while (damn school...) Newo, Vitor, SpkLeader, Shernand, r0mz, badge, Cowering, DigiToxin, Opi, Rain_1, Gato, Jarvik7, Opoth, dps, SubZero_, SandyPup, pharaoh_j, Tetsuoman... and everyone else I forgot.