For a more comprehensive and German version of this document, see Eine umfassendere und deutsche Version dieses Dokuments befindet sich unter /###################\ | TABLE OF CONTENTS | \###################/ 1) Overview 2) Donations 3) MD5 checksums 4) Version history 5) Patching procedure 6) Credits 7) More information 8) Copyright 9) Contact info 10) FAQs /#############\ | 1) OVERVIEW | \#############/ I'm very happy to present my German translation of the PSX game "Xenogears" (1998; Square Electronic Arts LLC, now Square Enix, Inc.). * 100% of the dialogue script, battle dialogues, menus and UI graphics have been translated - only some graphics of the "Battling" minigame remain untranslated * The German characters Ää, Öö, Üü and ß can be used on the name input screen * All movies with spoken dialogue were subtitled in German * The translation is based mainly on the English version, but drawing on the Japenese original in many instances * Despite technical limitations the translations uses almost no abbreviations * Tested on ePSXe (fully), on Beetle PSX and real hardware (partially) * There are small quality-of-life improvements, such as a proper title display on the jukebox in Nortune/Nóatún. /##############\ | 2) DONATIONS | \##############/ I have invested a lot of time and money in this translation as well as the server that holds my website. So I kindly ask for a little contribution in case you enjoy my translation or my YouTube channel (I don't make any profit with it!), so I can continue to publish content like this. Any gift will be much appreciated! PayPal: Bitcoin: 1DxPGH8GNvbfh96fuYw92eympV3GRf7mAa /##################\ | 3) MD5 CHECKSUMS | \##################/ DISC 1: ------- Original (US): 110ECE1C6B0FDCD443DF340FA7DB30F4 718,738,272 bytes Patch file: 5F16E639BB4B44F7DE158C585BA55E99 41,310,748 bytes Patched file: D303C4E00C6F5B24E8A7A59F8E5A5E92 718.517.184 bytes DISC 2: ------- Original (US): F942F416066A6473226B21A1504416F3 688,700,880 bytes Patch file: A3169D3B2B1EBF302253BE9C423C7E3B 111,922,921 bytes Patched file: B9726B985844980F5EFD7D650C54D69F 724,218,432 bytes /####################\ | 4) VERSION HISTORY | \####################/ v1.02 – Bugfix – April 12, 2018 (this version) * fixed a display issue in the Gear part shop menu * fixed two translation errors on Disc 2 (dialogue of Khan and Id / first contact with the Wave Existence) * changed a placename due to new findings: Aphel-Aura → Aura Aeterna * changed the behaviour of an unfixable bug in the result display of a minigame in Breidablik/Bledavik so it's at least correct for non-negative results * fixed 24 minor typos, grammar, orthographic and layout errors * an additional patch for increasing the text speed of this version will be released on the project website in late April 2018. v1.01 – Bugfix – October 22, 2017 (previously published on * fixed several certain crashes on real hardware and emulators other than ePSXe or PCSX and variants * fixed some minor textual errors in Bart's Hideout, Bledavik/Breidablik and Nisan v1.00 – First release – October 14, 2017 (not published on /#######################\ | 5) PATCHING PROCEDURE | \#######################/ (A proof-read Google translation of my German procedure notes follows:) 1) First, the image files of the US original version are needed. Advanced users can use the above file parameters to check if they have the correct files. !! Depending on the downloader's jurisdiction, these files may only be legally owned if their owner also owns the respective original medium. !! The author of this translation assumes no responsibility for any infringements committed by downloaders of this patch. 2) In addition, the program xdelta UI is required. (Patch programs like this often cause false alarms of anti-virus programs!) Download here: For the program to work properly, the xdelta.exe file must be in the same directory as the xdeltaUI.exe file. 3) Run "xdeltaUI.exe". 4) Stay in the "Apply Patch" tab and select the following files from top to bottom: "Patch": One of the patch files included in this archive "Source File": The corresponding original image "Output File": Any file name (the patched version will be saved under this name) 5) Repeat step 4 for the other disc. It is recommended to play the patched version with an emulator. Versions starting from 1.01 should be compatible with all emulators and hardware. The game was tested extensively only with ePSXe. /############\ | 6) CREDITS | \############/ Original authors: ----------------- Tetsuya Takahashi, director and writer Masato Kato, script writer Richard Honeywood and his co-workers, English localisation German translation and editing: ------------------------------- David "Helsionium" Hell Testing and debugging support: ------------------------------ cloudZz Pat86 of Tobias Edelmann Liferipper Special thanks: --------------- Tetsuya Takahashi's entire team and Square – for this magnificent game The entire team of SadNES cITy – their documentation and tools made my work possible in the first place kahran042 – for his comprehensive materials on the Japanese names and their etymology /#####################\ | 7) MORE INFORMATION | \#####################/ Japanese – English – German language comparison tables (table headers in German) Complete script: Character names: Location names: Item/Equipment: Attack names: Enemy names: Enemy attacks: Other terms/names: Chapter titles: Music track titles: More screenshots and information can be found here: /##############\ | 8) COPYRIGHT | \##############/ Xenogears is intellectual property of Square Enix, Inc., formerly Square Electronic Arts LLC. Under the applicatble copyright code of Austria ("Urheberrechtsgesetz") this translation enjoys protection independently of the original work. The author of the translation hereby grants all people the right to non-commercial use of the translation. ANY KIND OF COMMERCIAL USE OF THIS TRANSLATION WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR IS FORBIDDEN. /#################\ | 9) CONTACT INFO | \#################/ Via email: xenogears (at) helsionium (dot) eu /##########\ | 10) FAQs | \##########/ (A proof-read Google translation of my German FAQs follows:) 1. Are you a professional translator? No. I am a lawyer by profession and a volunteer paramedic. I have no linguistic education. 2. How long did it take you? Pretty exactly half a year. 3. How much text did you have to translate? Depending on the method of counting, the text size is between half and one full length of the "Lord of the Rings" - and the text is not much simpler. 4. Why did you make this translation? I really liked the game, especially its plot, but I was not completely satisfied with the English translation. The English translation was done under very difficult conditions and unfortunately you can tell that too - Although it is usually very close in content to the original, it contains many careless mistakes and overlooked allusions to literature and mythology. So I thought that could be done better - and why not in German? 5. I've never heard some of your expressions! Maybe it is an expression that is not common outside of Austria. Although I have tried to avoid such words, I may have been unaware that it was an Austrian expression. 6. Why did you change so many names? Most name changes are due to mistakes in the English translation that I have corrected. I attempted to justify each significant name change in the notes to the above text comparisons individually. 7. Is the patched version compatible with non-patch American versions? Yes, with the following restrictions: * If characters other than the letters A-Z, a-z and the digits are used in the name of Gears or Chuchu, display errors (probably) are likely to occur. * The names of the characters in the menus remain in any case in the language in which the respective file was started. * The same applies to the gear names, but these can be changed at any time. * The names of the save files remain in the language in which they were saved. 8. Are the different versions of the patch compatible with each other? Yes, they are fully forward- and backward-compatible. However, don't use emulator savestates across different versions of the path. Save the game regularly with the old version and resume the game regularly with the new version. 9. Does the patch also work with the Japanese version? No, and I have no plans to make such a patch. 10. I found a mistake! Please keep minor errors! ;-) No, seriously: I accept all bug reports under the above-mentioned e-mail address. But I will not publish a new version because of every little mistake.