############################################################# Ancient Roman - Power of Dark Side: English Patch (July 2024) ############################################################# ## Intro ## The legendary kusoge—the Final Fantasy 7 killer—now arrives in English for the first time! Join Kai, a tragic prince who was kidnapped as a baby and forced to work for demons as they sought ancient evil power that lived underground. Meet various allies to rid the world of darkness once and for all, one (broken music, laggy sound, and nonsense plot) step at a time! ## Patch Instructions ## * The patcher expects the BIN version of both discs* ### Windows ### 1. Select any number of .bin files you wish to patch. 2. Drag and drop them on the file called "Drag and drop BIN(s) on me.bat" 3. If a valid disc image is found, patched .bin/.cue file(s) will be created in this folder. ### Other OS ### This release uses a basic .xdelta patch, so any web-based patching tool or OS-specific .xdelta patcher should work okay. We've switched from xdelta3 to xdelta to help with compatability. The .xdelta files are located in the "patch_data" folder. Apply the appropriate patch to each disc. ## Drama CD ## The drama CD has been translated and uploaded to YouTube. It's a prequel that tells of the fall of Heinrogue under Kai's father. You can listen to it either before or after playing the game. If you want to have any idea who the villain is, then give it a listen. If you want to experience Ancient Roman completely blind, then listen to it afterwards. https://youtu.be/o35N0M41fGc Make sure to turn on captions! ## Guide and Item/Spell Tables ## I wrote up a walkthrough with as many of the optional events that I could find. There's also a list of tables for items, spells, and equipment since the game doesn't tell you what a lot of things do. You can either: - View the included PDF files. - View the guides on GameFAQs (once they're approved, might be a little bit). ## FAQ ## - The music sounds broken, is my emulator— No, that's intentional. The MIDI music in this game mismatches instruments and throws the music key off constantly, ranging from normalish songs to what it would sound like to live in a claw machine. - Why do the sound effects freeze the whole game? Every sound effect is normalized to 10 full seconds, meaning it has to transfer it off disc, into RAM, play it, then boot it out every time. No we will not fix this. - Why People Becoming Monsters Disease? I could have gone for something like Monsterfication Disease, but that would make more sense if they did 怪物化病気, but they went with 怪物になる病気, which is lit "disease that makes you into a monster," so I'm just being more accurate to their really wordy name. Also it's funny. ## Tips ## - Once you're given weapons and armor at the beginning, make sure to equip them! - When you reach Sanitas Village, make sure to examine the hot springs before going to bed so you don't miss the *mushroom scene*. - The famous speedrun trick in this game is using the "Sleep Axe," an incredibly broken weapon for Burke that, on hit, will put the enemy to sleep 100% of the time, even bosses. It's so broken that any boss that's a singular enemy can never wake up. I only recommend using it if you're stuck or just want to see the story, as it makes the game trivial and you miss out on a lot of the spells and challenges. - Don't abuse this, but you can actually just, like, not encounter enemies if you hold O. Yeah. Don't get too underleveled because of it! - Speed Cocca raises your ability to act first, meaning you can Sleep Axe faster. - Talk to the chickens in New Heinrogue. - A lot of side content triggers are really confusing, involving random backtracking or only coming back to places at certain times. For instance, you can only access the door in the back of the digging camp while McLeod is with you, since only he can figure out that door. I tried to outline as many as I could find in the guide. ## Credits ## SnowyAria - Translation EsperKnight - Hacking Cargodin - Editing ## Special Thanks ## Hilltop - Hacking support and jolly friend TurnipTheBeet, blueskyrunner, Yuvi, Telephone_Ghost, Shentok - The IKUZE Test Squad YoshistarBaxter - Transparentified the logo~ ## Contact ## Have any issues or run into any problems? Feel free to drop by our discord here: * https://discord.gg/bewGNtm Alternatively, you can message SnowyAria/ArcaneAria on ROMhacking.net or on Twitter at @SnowyAria.