SUPER ROBOT WARS ALPHA GAIDEN ENGLISH TRANSLATION V0.95B Copyright 2008 by Aeon Genesis ToC 0. PLEASE NOTE 1. About Shin Megami Tensei 2. Patch History 3. Patch Credits and Contributors 4. Known issues 4.1 The Game that Hates Emulators 5. Application Instructions ------------- 0.PLEASE NOTE ------------- This patch is *BETA* and while it should be playable from front to back, there ARE a lot of known issues with the game. Please familiarize yourself with the "Known Issues" section! --------------------------- 1.About Super Robot Wars @G --------------------------- In the final battle of the conflict that has come to be known as the Balmar War (SRW Alpha) a gravitational collapse unleashed a shockwave heading straight for the Earth. When it hits, it do incredible amounts of damage to both the planet's surface and all orbiting space colonies. This is the setup for the next conflict, wherein the Titans, the Mariemaia Army, and the remnants of the independent military forces from the Balmar War (under the umbrella title of "Preventers") all fight over control over a defense shield operation designed to protect the Earth Sphere from the shockwave impact. Alpha Gaiden offers several improvements over previous entries in the series. Most notably new in this entry are vastly improved battle animation, several new included TV shows (Turn-A Gundam, Gundam X, Brygar and Xabungle), and support actions by units adjacent to attackers and defenders. Also new is the Bazaar, where the player can exchange Blue Stones for parts and new units. For those of you who have only played SRW3, you can also expect better counterattack options (on a per-encounter basis, rather than issuing a blanket order for the entire turn) and a *much* larger script. There are also swappable modules for your units (such as Full Armor parts) and a *lot* of parts which will grant quite a variety of different bonuses. --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- I honestly don't even remember when this started; 2002, maybe? Hell. Either way, first thing to get dumped was the in-mission chats, which got tossed over to a bloke named SilverSonic. He got about halfway through the megabyte- large file before his computer died, and he lost it all :( Shortly thereafter, someone by the name of Excellen (known to SomethingAwful as Hokuto and the SRW Genesis community as Chrissy) showed up in #aeongen looking for someone to hack some SD Gundam Generations games for the SNES. I offered Alpha Gaiden, and she accepted! Four years later, here we are. The hacking proceeded fairly slowly, but there was so much text (roughly three and a half megs of it) spread across the three major segments (intermission, in-mission, and battle sequence) that it didn't really matter. About four months ago, I managed to hack in a proportional font, which was nice. About two months ago, I got the interfaces dumped, and well, here we are today! December 26, 2008 - Initial v0.95b Release --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE SUPER ROBOT WARS @G TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, romhacker, utility programmer, assembly hacker Excellen - Translator Special Thanks |Pixel| - Patching solution Klarth, MKendora - Utility programmers Cless - MIPS guru SilverSonic - Initial translation Iriliane - Text formatting -------------- 4.Known Issues -------------- Issue: Karaoke mode is still in Japanese. Issue: Character and Robot databases are still in Japanese. If you can program in Pascal and would like to help fix this, *please* get in touch! Issue: Occasionally, some interface screens will be missing some letters and/or numbers, be they unit names, menu options, pilots, etc. This most frequently happens on the Unit Info and Unit Ugrade screens during intermissions. Issue: When in a mission, Unit Status subscreens have a glitchy letter or two next to their "Type" statistic. Issue: Messages when a pilot is shot down still have Japanese quotes. Issue: Occasionally Japanese graphics still show up, notably for "Critical" and support actions. Please report any bugs, spelling errors, and such on The Pantheon ( Screenshots are preferred, as are savestates. -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: You will need about 1.4 gigabytes of free space to patch the game: about 700MB for the Japanese ISO, and another 700MB for the rebuilt English ISO. First, rip your ORIGINAL copy of the game disc to a bin/cue format ISO. Name this "srwag.bin" and "srwag.cue." Place these files in the same directory that you extracted the patch (and this file) to. Then, simply run "normal.bat" if you have the original retail release, or "premiumbox.bat" if you have the SRW Alpha Premium Box release. Edit your .cue file to have the new iso's file name with any old text editor, then simply burn and play. If you're unsure whether your disc is the normal or premium box release, browse the disc's root directory and look at the SLPS file. SLPS_031.47 = First release SLPS_035.77 = Premium Box For those of you on linux, grab the patcher here: Here are the command lines: FIRST RELEASE: cd-tool -e "mainpatch()" -f "srwag.bin" -o "srwag-engv095b.bin" srwag.lua PREMIUM BOX: cd-tool -e "mainpatch()" -f "srwag.bin" -o "srwag-engv095b.bin" premiumbox.lua