------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERVE FANWORKS Dragon Force II: The Godforsaken Land January 30, 2016 http://www.verve-fanworks.com/SMF/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Release History 2.) Patching Instructions 3.) Compatibility Troubleshooting 4.) Translation Credits 5.) Acknowledgements & Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Release History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016-01-31 V 1.04 -Game hang toward the end of Bartz' scenario resolved. -Minor bug fixes 2015-09-13 V 1.03 -Mystery cave items identified. 2015-07-02 V 1.02 -Minor bug fixes 2015-04-18 V 1.01 -The universal patch! *The initial release strategy revolving around checksums has been scrapped in favor of providing universal patches. The only decision the end user has to make is whether to use the patch for the original print, version 1.006, or the Data Revision print, version 1.007. Patching instructions have been overhauled. *Minor game script improvements. 2015-04-03 V 1.00 -The long overdue full release! What's translated in this release: *All story dialogue *All gameplay dialogue not included in the first release What isn't translated in this release: *Voice acting *The Japanese "squad" symbol in battle menu 2012-07-26 V 0.50 -First release! What's translated in this partial release: *Menus *Item names and descriptions *Most battle-related quotes *Gameplay-critical text *Monarch Select screen bios What will be translated in incremental updates: *A few straggling bits of overworld text *General quotes related to Domestic Affairs We're always looking for more translators to help us with the story dialogue! Drop us a line at faustwolf@yahoo.com or at our project forum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) Patching Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==REQUIRED TOOLS== *IsoBuster: Free download @ http://www.isobuster.com/download.php (For ripping an image from the Japanese game CD) *Daemon Tools Lite: Free download @ http://www.daemon-tools.cc/eng/downloads (For mounting the game image in a virtual drive, useful for emulator compatibility) *SadNESCity's Delta Patcher: Free download @ http://www.romhacking.net/utils/704/ (For applying the translation patch -- this one's required!) *SSF Version 0.11 alpha_R5": Free download @ http://segaretro.org/SSF (See the zip archive in the "Prior versions" section. Version 0.11 alpha_R5" is the only emulator and only release version confirmed to play Dragon Force II fully. See http://www.verve-fanworks.com/SMF/index.php?topic=275.0 for setup recommendations.) *Saturn Region Patcher: Free download @ http://madroms.satakore.com/#SRP (This is a must for deciding which patch to use) ==INSTRUCTIONS== *NOTE: If you have already backed up Dragon Force II to a .ISO or a .BIN/.CUE image, please re-rip following these instructions, opening the image in ISOBuster as if it were your physical game CD. *Pop your Dragon Force II-J CD into your computer's CD/DVD ROM drive. Open the disc in IsoBuster. Right-click on the top-level CD icon and do as follows: Extract CD -> Extract User Data (*.tao, *.iso, *.img, *.wav) *Save the image in a directory of your choice. *When the copy reaches 99%, you'll receive an "Unreadable Sector" prompt. Select "Omit Sector," check the "Always apply Selection" box, and click the "Selection" button. The image copy will complete. *You will end up with a file called Track 01.iso. Open it in Saturn Region Patcher and note whether your Version reads 1.006 or 1.007. Close Saturn Region Patcher. *Now, unzip the translation patches for Dragon Force II and SadNESCity's Delta Patcher archive into directories of your choice. *Using DeltaPatcher.exe (*NOT DeltaPatcherLite.exe*), apply the appropriate patch to your Track 01.iso file. If the Universal patch for your version does not work, you'll get an error message in DeltaPatcher. For help, hit us up at http://www.verve-fanworks.com/SMF/index.php?board=37.0 *Load up Track 01.iso in Daemon Tools, and direct SSF to your Daemon Tools virtual drive in SSF's Options menu. *For far fewer headaches down the road, please follow reinofheart's or CrowsSalvation's suggested SSF settings: http://www.verve-fanworks.com/SMF/index.php?topic=275.0 Otherwise the game will freeze when more than 120 troops are on the battlefield. *Happy gaming! Don't forget to give us feedback on what's been done so far! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.) Compatibility & Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Unfortunately, only SSF or a modded Saturn can play Dragon Force II fully. Yabause is currently unable to handle the game's battles, and we currently know of no way to get SSF running on non-Windows systems. If you can help with this, let us know at the Verve Fanworks forum! *Messed up .CUE sheets are often a problem with Saturn emulation. If Daemon Tools doesn't load your game, head on over to the Patch Uploads, Help and Bug Reports forum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.) Translation Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==PROJECT DIRECTORS== Kevin Walters (Turbo857) FaustWolf sixfortyfive sandslice ==PROJECT PROGRAMMER== NoahSteam ==STORY TRANSLATION - HIGHLAND SCENARIO== John Keaney (keaneypie) Kate Robinson (Sumire) Katherine Walters (FairySnuff) ==STORY TRANSLATION - TRADNOR SCENARIO== Nicholas Joshi (reinofhearts) ==STORY TRANSLATION - TOPAZ SCENARIO== Neil Gordon (Norgus) Vanessa Hayashi (candy) ==STORY TRANSLATION - IZUMO SCENARIO== Rosa Mancebo (mancebo) Katie Tremmel (kttremmel) Marc Wilson (pankrazopapas) dongloton ==STORY TRANSLATION - BOZACK SCENARIO== Taylor Cazella (tcazella) Phill Mogridge (NinthJungle) Ellen Novak (robokitti) Kazan77 Vagiel ==STORY TRANSLATION - FANDARIA SCENARIO== Taylor Cazella (tcazella) Alexander Liekens (Saph) Matthew Vassel (knoppi) ==STORY TRANSLATION - MOON PALACE SCENARIO== Taylor Cazella (tcazella) Connie H (sweetcocoa) Cal Hampton (caldc) ==STORY TRANSLATION - TRISTAN SCENARIO== Nicholas Joshi (reinofhearts) Katie Tremmel (kttremmel) Marrie (Marrie) ==GAMEPLAY & OTHER DIALOGUE TRANSLATION== Sandslice Maxfield E. Bennett (Nohasai) Taylor Cazella (tcazella) Cal Hampton (caldc) Alona Silina (ketrikken) Marrie (Marrie) Nicholas Joshi (reinofhearts) Sixfortyfive BRPXQZME Kiyoshi Aman Eien Ni Hen DarknessSavior Magil ==SCRIPT EDITING PANEL== OMorty Geoff FaustWolf Kevin Walters (Turbo857) Sandslice RayeKasai Syuria sartaq khan EndsofInvention SunXiao ==DATA DIVING== FaustWolf sixfortyfive Fenrisul Cheetah ==OTHER TECHNICAL HELP== Nicholas Joshi (reinofhearts) CrowsSalvation zyrobs Norgus ==GRAPHICS MODIFICATION== FaustWolf ==SWEET TROOP MATCHUP CHART== frameshift specialt1212 ==SWEET CD LABEL== Konsolkongen ==BEER DRINKING AND WINE TASTING== FaustWolf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.) Acknowledgements & Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *To our phase one testers, who had to bite the bullet figuring things out so this readme could be improved, and even confirmed that the translation works on real hardware: Konsolkongen Nintennuendo bastol olfus sartaq khan Rhonakk zarbinwakz relf Zinere majinpowers hellsent *To our subsequent testers and translation feedback crew: Zymz OMorty specialt1212 irvgotti452 Gilderoy cj_iwakura altimeuler Celdia Anonobody MonkeyMagicEden Nomled rl_paper sffrrrom roperman Dmasterdan sartaq khan RandomMcPerson cirle Jcar Rhonakk joec3109 KouTheMad drewzon87 chiffre altimueler Rhonakk drewzon87 Prodakah *The header font used on the monarch select bios is based on the fonts from "The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker" (captured by AleX_XelA) and "Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World" (captured by Mageker). The font for the domestics screen buttons is based on the font from "Actraiser" (captured by Stangmar). *To Guillaume Duhamel, Theo Berkau, and Anders Montonen, for making Yabause's debugger the most user-friendly tracing tool out there, and for making the Sega Saturn one of the most well-documented consoles. If you're interested in the technical side of Sega Saturn translation projects, make wiki.yabause.org your one stop info shop! *To Barubary, author of TiledGGD. This helped immensely throughout the Dragon Force II translation project! There's nothing like being able to pop in an entire memory dump and find out how a game writes its screen coordinates to a tee. FW owes you a beer sometime! *To SnowBro, author of TileMolester. Still the user-friendly standard for editing and re-inserting game graphics. *To SadNESCity and PhOeNiX, for making Delta Patcher. *To the Romhacking.net community, for being awesome, and for keeping a central hub for fannish works alive. *To ZeaLitY and the entire Kajar Labs crew. Not only did you take FW from PoliSci student to budding game modder while showing him the Springtime of Youth, you created a really cool readme format that FW totally ripped off for purposes of this entire document! *To Working Designs and the Sega Saturn and Dragon Force fanbase, for giving the translation team something to live up to and a reason to do something totally, totally ambitious and cool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mm dm dhm mhh dhd mm dddd dhm mdddd mdhm ddddh mhdhm mddddhm hdddd ddddddh hdddddm mhddddddh mmmddddddddmm dddddddd ddddddddddd mddhddddddhddddhhdhhhd dddddddddm mdddddddddddhd mmdddddddddhddm mhddddddddddm mhdddddddddddddhddddddddddhdm hdddddddddddddmm dddddddddddddddddddddddddhd dddddddddddddddhd dddddddddddddhddddddddddddm mhdddddddddddddd dddddddddhhdmmmmmmmdddddddmmmm hddddddddddddh dddddddhhdmmmddddddddddddddddhhddddm mhddddddddddhmdhdddhhdmmddddddddddddddddddddddddddhddm dddddddddddd hddhhmmddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhhd hddddddddhmddhhmmhddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhm dhdddddddd hhhmhdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhdm dddddddhmdhddhdddddddddddhdhhddddddddddddddddddhddhhddddhm hdddddh dddhddddddddddmmmmmmmmmmddhdddddddddddhhmmmddhddhm m mhddddh mmhdddddhdm mmddddddddddddhd mdhdh hd mhdddh hddddddm mhddddddddddhd mhhd mhd mhddd dddddhm hddddddddddhd dh dhdm mhdd hdddhd mmmmm hddddddddddhd hddd mhdmhdddh mdddddddd mhddddddddddhd hddhm mdmdddhd mhddddddddh hdddddddddddhm mhdddhdm ddddhm ddddddddddy hddddddddddddh dhdddhddhdddhm mhdddddddhd hddddddddddddh mdddddddddddh mdhdddhhm mhddddddddddddh mdhdddddddhd mmmm mydddddhhhdddddh mm mhdddddddhd mhhddddhd hhdddhd mhhhhhddddddddddhd dhdddddhd hdddh mdddhdddddddddhhm mdhhdddddhd dhdhm mmdddddddddhm mdhhddddddhhm mhhd dhdddddddhhd mhh hhdddddhhdm dym dhdddhhdm hd yddhd d mhdhm ddhm ddh ddh dddhdhm dddhh ddhd ddd dh dd dm m As with children who grow to leave their parents, the time has come for you to take charge of your own destiny. The future is yours! ~Astea, Dragon Force ending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------