======================================================= ==================Linkle Liver Story=================== ========================V 1.0========================== Genre: RPG Source language: Japanese Platform: Sega Saturn Patch language: English Author: paul_met/aishsha/Pennywise E-mail: paul294met@gmail.com http://meduza-team.ucoz.net aishsha@gmail.com aishsha@blogspot.com http://yojimbo.eludevisibility.org/ ====================================================== Background ====================================================== This is a complete English patch for Linkle Liver Story translating the game from Japanese into English. The game itself is a light-hearted and fast-pacing kind of a hybrid between a platformer, adventure and RPG with a colorful cartoonish visuals, great music, funny story and a unique weapon-cultivation system. The debates about the game title has been ongoing since way back of its release in 1996, and it still remains a mystery to all. This is one of those hidden Saturn gems definitely worthy to play - especially when it's quite easy and fast to complete. ====================================================== Differences from the original game ====================================================== - 1-byte encoding support; - VWF support; - 4 lines support in the dialogue screen. ====================================================== Patching Instructions ====================================================== - In order to apply a "ppf" format patch, you will need a untility known as "ppf-o-matic" which can be found at http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/356/; - It is recommended to patch a disc image compatible with the one from "redump.org" (http://redump.org/disc/3238/) or use your own dumo in the bin/cue format with Mode1/2352 parameters. ====================================================== manual ====================================================== We have also fully translated and edited the game's manual which you can find in the CBR format. Please, use the http://www.cdisplay.me/ software to view it properly. ====================================================== Emulators to use ====================================================== The game is VERY picky with the emulation software. Hence, it simply freezes eventually on mednafen and has some issues on the most popular emulators available today. - SSF (number 1 recommended, though it has some reported lag and framerate drop issues); - Yabause/YabaSanshiro (play the game fine mostly, but experience troubles when playing separate musical pieces in the beginning and the end: yabause-0.9.14 version was used for testing); - Mednafen is not recommended - game freezes on the global map; - Real hardware. THE GAME HAS BEEN FULLY TESTED ON AN ACTUAL SEGA SATURN SYSTEM WITHOUT ANY ISSUES DETECTED. It goes without saying that it is the best option to play the game. ====================================================== paul_met's comments ====================================================== Linkle Liver Story is a pretty and coloful title with funny characters and foes, pleasant musical background and easy-going gameplay. The game was mostly developed by Nextech - the one responsible for one of the best Megadrive jewels in the Action-RPG field known as Crusader of Centy or Soleil. Generally, Linkle Liver Story is quite "hi-tech" for its age. Except for scaled 2D elements, animated backgrounds, reflections and shaders, it also actively uses 3D models (rocks, trees or a globe-like world map). The game actively utilizes both Saturn processors, which is a rarer thing even for most successful titles issued in the same year (e.g., The Story of Thor 2 / Legend of Oasis uses nothing like that). ====================================================== aishsha's comments ====================================================== This whole thing started as a quite unexpected project about a year ago when paul_met approached me with this proposal while I was coming and going to various other project. The collaboration was very fast-pacing and pleasant, which resulted in quite a rapid release with the help of Pennywise who basically did hell of a job editing it to the polished beauty we have at the moment while the hacking works was top-notched from the very start. The game is a rather unique platformerish runner with RPG elements, which I personally enjoyed a lot and even passed it for the THIRD time on my Sega Saturn. Besides, we do love this platform which certainly deserves more of our attention :) ====================================================== Pennywise's comments ====================================================== aishsha asked to edit this game. Seemed like a change of pace being a Saturn game and all. Overall, it was a charming game and fun to work on. ====================================================== Disclaimers ====================================================== All the materials in the game are purely copyrights of Sega and Nextech. The game developers did their best and put a lot of hard work into this project, so BUY THE ORIGINAL GAME IF YOU LIKE IT!!! ====================================================== Credits ====================================================== paul_met - initiator, coordinator, hacker and designer aishsha - translation, testing, manual works Pennywise - testing, editing FlashPV and Lestat - main game logo and misc designs Ryusui - misc spot translations harmony7 - misc spot translations TheMajinZenki - misc spot translations Xanathis - testing cccmar - testing Jazz - the Game Over screen design Midna/weissvulf - weapon icons designs All those who contributed into this process. ====================================================== Compiled by aishsha. January 2019.