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I need to replace it, but making a good one costs much more time than expected... v0.9a -Fixed several glitches which I oversaw -Mr. Time appears on the "right" of the screen -Corrected pointer offset to "freeing Elias, Ruby & Thiana" -Lip's face did not appear during the dialogue on the SHard ending -Flower stage was Moon stage, because I forgot to change a byte back to its original state. Make note to self to ask some beta testers, before releasing a patch the next time round. v0.9b -Fixed several more small glitches. -Appearently some of the "Death" texts were mixed up -Improved my English phrasing at a few points v1.0 -Final release / Fixed last remaining glitches -Fixed several typographical and grammatical errors in the script. Note that because of text width limitations a few occurences of 'shortened' phrasing still persist. (Thanks to Brappy for reading through the script) -Fixed Lip's facial expression to a frowny when beating VS on hard and S-hard with continues (Thanks to Palom the Black mage to point this out) -Updated the Title logo to depict the English PDP logo (Thanks to Dr. Mario's logo design) -Updated/modified the version label at the bottom of the title screen. It now fits properly on the screen. -Updated lay-out on the Endless ending to appear fluently among the others -Updated the Stage Clear/Puzzle endings to appear fluently among the others -Incorporated the 'hacked' ending for the VS mode -Correctly formatted Thanatos' and Cordelia's bio-screens. (Thanks to MurraySkull for finding the PAR codes to make their screens appear) Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome, and thank you for using my translation hack for Panel De Pon. I've created this hack because: -To allow people to play Panel de Pon in English -I wanted to find out how a SNES game works (and how to hack one) -As a tribute, because I really like this game FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I use my old save states after applying the patch? A: You do not really need save states for a game like this IMO. As for the answer I can say that the routines I wrote are compatible with the old game. HOWEVER the game may glitch is several circumstances, such as when it is in the middle of a writing text. So using save states when no text is written to the screen should be safe to use. Finally note that game needs to 'refresh' its memory as contents of the RAM need to be filled with the new images. So, it may be possible that in some cases you get really odd Japanese messages. This problem will automatically solve itself once you switch between screens (that is when the game loads new data). Finally, in spite of my efforts it may be possible that some save states will crash the game. In that case try to use another save state at a different location. Q: Is it legal to spread IPS patches? A: Yes, the patch itself is created entirely be me and it holds no contents or whatsoever from the original game. An IPS patch will only alter the necessary bytes to create a new ROM. You cannot get a working ROM from just this patch by itself. Q: Where can I get Lunar IPS? A: check: "http://fusoya.panicus.org/" Q: Why are there two versions of the Patch? A: Because there are ROMs with a Header and ROMs without a header. Use the IPS file with "Header" in it on a Panel De Pon ROM that has a header. If your ROM doesn't have a header apply the other patch. In case you really don't know make a back up first and then try out each of the patches on a copy(!) of the ROM image. Q: Is this the last update of the patch? A: Who knows, I sure hope all the game works correctly now. If you find any problems/errors. Please notify me, I'll be more than happy to fix those. Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------- The enclosed IPS patch can be applied to the original Panel De Pon ROM with a Header. If your ROM doesn't have a header please add 512 bytes at the start of the game ROM to create a dummy header. Instructions: You need: -IPS patching tool (I prefer Lunar IPS by FuSoYa) -An unmodified Panel De Pon ROM (Don't spam me asking for one, find one on the Internet) 0. Unzip the files in this .zip file and store them on your harddisk 1. Open Lunar IPS 2. Click on the "Apply IPS Patch" 3. Select the IPS file enclosed in this .zip file -Make sure to select the proper file (Header or nonHeader) 4. Select the original Panel De Pon ROM 5. Apply it 6. Start an emu, and play the game in English :) What the patch does ------------------------------------------------------------- -Adds an additional fontset to display our alpabeth in Variable Width Font -Replaces all Japanese text messages by English ones -Replaces all Japanese textual images by English equivalents, with the exceptions listed below. -Other than that the game is left unmodified, so no special quirks were added... ;) What the patch doesn't do ------------------------------------------------------------- -Translate the yells of the fairies. I don't know how to modify the SPC data in the ROM and besides one would need female (or very high pitched men) to mimick the small fairies' voices. :P -Show Thanatos' and Cordelia's bio-screens after waiting several minutes at the title screen. Enter these PAR codes by MurraySkull to view them: See Thanatos' bio when bios are shown: 7E9E2B0B See Cordelia's bio when bios are shown: 7E9E2B0C Legal Notice ------------------------------------------------------------- The Panel de Pon translation patch (hereafter referred to as the "Patch") is not official or supported by Nintendo, Intelligent Systems or any other commercial entity. The Patch is freeware thus it can be distributed freely provided the following conditions hold: 1. The Patch is not distributed with or as part of any ROM image in _any_ format 2. This document is supplied with the Patch and the document is left unmodified 3. No goods, services, or money can be charged for the Patch in any form, nor may it be included in conjunction with any other offer or monetary exchange. The Patch is provided AS IS, and its use is at your own risk. Anyone mentioned in this document will not be held liable for any damages, direct or otherwise, arising from its use or presence. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------- Programs used: Tilemolester - Handy for modifying the images in this game Geiger's Snes9x Debugger - Great for hacking SNES ROMs Persons: Xubelox & Da Bubba - for translation the script of the game Dr. Mario - made me a custom English title logo, thanks! ^_^ Relnqshd - for his help and hints on how to get this project started FuSoYa - for creating Lunar IPS (an easy to use Patching program) Palom the Black Mage Asho Kaepez Brappy - found several glitches English translation. Thanks for reporting these. The people at www.gamefaqs.com & www.romhacking.net message boards -Thank you for your support & help, which I appreciate a lot. Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------- If you have anything to report regarding this translation hack, then please mail me at the given address below. If you find any errors or when you have any good suggestions for improvements I am more than willing to fix those! I do need proper instructions, because I do not know telepathically where these problems occured. mail - knuckle_iron*hotmail!com (please replace the * and ! with the proper signs) www - yaworg.googlepages.com ------------------------------------------------------------- END