Final Fantasy III (USA) Latin Translation by abw Version 0.99 Release Date: October 18, 2015 Checksums (unpatched): GoodSNES File Name: Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.0) [!].smc File MD5 E986575B98300F721CE27C180264D890 File SHA-1 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7 File CRC32 A27F1C7A ROM MD5 E986575B98300F721CE27C180264D890 ROM SHA-1 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7 ROM CRC32 A27F1C7A Checksums (patched): File MD5 85DE5F109BB4650B35F15B0E3DE94F79 File SHA-1 1CF84E4D501CCA641A9B0956D3BE4F12366E307F File CRC32 55AEF7E4 ROM MD5 85DE5F109BB4650B35F15B0E3DE94F79 ROM SHA-1 1CF84E4D501CCA641A9B0956D3BE4F12366E307F ROM CRC32 55AEF7E4 To Apply the Patch: You will need: a copy of the FF3 ROM (just to be clear, that's the US version of the SNES Final Fantasy VI, not the never-released-in-English NES Final Fantasy III) and an IPS patching utility. If you don't have the ROM, go ask Google how to get it. If you don't have a patcher, I can recommend Lunar IPS (, so snag that too. Then simply follow your chosen patcher's instructions to apply the patch to the ROM. Now that that's done, fire up your favourite SNES emulator and prepare yourself for some Latin-ey goodness! About the Patch: Back in 2001, two events of particular relevance to this patch occurred: a group by the name of Bucho Translations released a (very) partial Latin translation of FF3us, and I enrolled in my first Latin class. Shortly thereafter, I found the Bucho patch in Zophar's Domain's translation section, and thought playing FF3 in Latin would be neat. Unfortunately, v0.1 of the Bucho patch mostly stopped after the opening Narshe sequence (~1% of the game's text), and the group has been inactive ever since. Fast-forward 6 years: As luck would have it, I found myself with both a strong enough Latin background to produce a translation that would hopefully not be overly embarrassing upon completion and enough free time to actually sit down and start working on one. So, looking for a change of pace one day in early September 2007, I started poking around online for existing documentation and utilities, and was soon well on my way down the exciting road of recreational romhacking. It's amazing how much can be accomplished when one is an unemployed bum living in one's parents' basement - the first version of this patch, translating roughly 20% of the game's text, was released after only one month of work. All too soon, alas, Real Life reared its ugly head, and so the time and energy needed to continue this project have been in much shorter supply since then. Despite frequent and lengthy breaks, the translation has slowly creeped forward over the past 8 years and has now reached the state you see before you. Progress (~99%): Script testing so far has ranged between minimal and non-existent, which means there will probably be more grammatical errors than you can shake a stick at and almost certainly some graphical infelicities. Script revision, when it happens, will be *all sorts* of fun, I'm sure. The first draft of the main script is at long last complete, which means everything should be in Latin now except for the following items (on the other hand, except for the battle graphics, these were all in English even in the original Japanese version, so maybe they should remain in English in the Latin version?): - the opening and ending credit sequences; - all "graphical" text (e.g. the "MUTE" spell graphic, the "MISS" graphic, the "INN" and "CAFE" signs, title screens, etc.). Known Issues: - the translation needs editing/proofreading; -- the Opera House scene would benefit from more/better timing cues. Contact: Fan mail, insults, comments, suggestions and the like can all be sent to where they will almost certainly all be read (unless they get filtered as spam). That said, I have been known to go for extremely long periods of time without checking my mail, so don't be upset if you don't receive a response in a timely manner! Thanks to: * Bucho Translations (Nathaniel, Dev, and J.K.) for the idea and whatever bits of their script remain in mine. * Everybody who sent me mail. You people rock! * SquareSoft for making the game in the first place! * All the helpful people who wrote the utilities and documentation I've used, particularly: ** Alcaro for Asar; ** Anomie for all sorts of information about the SNES hardware; ** byuu for bsnes; **, especially for their list of enemy name translations across the various releases of this game; ** Klarth for Atlas; ** ManuLöwe for the German FF3 translation. I don't know German, but studying that patch was immensely helpful in learning the basics of SNES ROM translation; ** RedComet for Cartographer; ** William A. Whitaker and his WORDS program for providing the world with a Latin spell-checker.