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X88 Y88b. Y88b d88P "Y888888" "Y88888 "Y8888 88888P' "Y888 "Y8888P" Y8b Dragon Quest III: And into the Legend… English Translation patch version 1.1 Japanese Game Release Date: December 6, 1996 Patch Release Date: November 19, 2009 http://www.dqtranslations.com/ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents: 1. Preface 2. Patch features 3. Known issues 4. Translation patch credits 5. Patching the game 6. How you can help out! 7. Things to look forward to 8. Debug code +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 1. Preface | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Dragon Quest 3 was originally released for the Famicom gaming system. The game included drastic improvements over the first two games of the series. When Nintendo released it's new Super Famicom system which supported much better graphics, Enix couldn't help but port the classic game to it. The game was also released on the Gameboy Color. However, the Super Famicom version stands to be the most loved and cherished version of the game to date. Some features of the game include. - 4 party member system - Party member classes and creation system - Pachisi tracks as a side game - Multiple continents to exlpore - Fluid monster battle animations For more information visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Quest_III +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 2. Patch features | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This that I have implemented into this patch include... - Cracked huffman compression - Expanded rom and mapped as 48Mbit - Customized DQ Translations intro - 200+KB of english script - Expanded item names - Expanded enemy names - Expanded spell names - Reprogrammmed and relocated all game menus +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 3. Known issues | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Although the game should be playable from start to finish there are still some things that need to be worked out. They include: - Spell menu in stats can't fit full spell names... no space - Occasional text overflow +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 4. Translation patch credits | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ These are the people who helped put this patch together: Hacking: DaMarsMan Z6n4 Translation: Z6n4 DaMarsMan Zenithian Script Revising: PlatKing Beta Testers: DaMarsMan Z6n4 Guardian ultpaladin stahlbaum Piotyr Kojiro PlatKing Other help: byuu (mapping of 48Mbit) Greetings to: Romhacking.net and Dragon's Den Tom Servo, Dwaine, Mimas, AerynB, CrawdKenny, Superpants, Dark Force, rveach, byuu, Nightcrawler, Gideon Zhi, RedComet, KingMike, D, strag0, Bongo, and others I'm sure. Thanks to God for giving me motivation to work hard in life. :) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 5. Patching the game | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pick your favorite IPS patcher and patch an UNHEADERED ROM!!! To remove the header, you can use SnesTool or simply load the rom in Snes9x. Snes9x will ask if you want to remove it upon loading. Click yes. Then apply the IPS. DON'T USE SOFT PATCHING!!! IT WON'T WORK! If you have trouble, ask someone else because I'm too busy. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 6. How you can help out! | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Submit all unlisted bugs to damarsman@gmail.com +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 7. Things to look forward to | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - A release of DQ5 for PS2 - Maybe DQ6 gettting retranslated and finished - Me kicking back and taking a break. (for a few days ;) ) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | 8. Debug code | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ WARNING! Use this at your second play through. You can do rediculous things with this menu so it may spoil some things for you. Raw Assembly org $C1FFFE : dw $FFFF org $C6FFFA : db $80 org $C02799 : db $80 Game Genie EEEE-E765 EDEE-E7A5 6DEE-E4B8 6D4B-E40F Action Replay C1F3FEFF C1F3FFF0 C6F3FA80 C0239980