Alcahest (SNES) Password patcher KingMike's Translations October 8, 2014 This is an addendum patch to the English translation by F.H. It is for an English-patched ROM without header. F.H. translated the game originally, but he did not translate the level names, which are ALSO the passwords. He did not do that (originally replacing the stage names with placeholders like "P1T0"), as he originally planned to replace the passwords with an SRAM feature. Since he hasn't updated his site since like 2006, I had presumed it would not be updated, and I went ahead and hacked the password system myself. I have included the source to the password encoder (Dev-C++), as well as a password list formatted for the encoder: There are multiple accepted variations of each password and a maximum 28 characters total for a single acceptible password. | indicates the separation of the password segments. For passwords for stages 4-8, / indicates either of the words are accepted (it does not seem to matter which is used, though I have not played the game as much as I'd like to know for sure). For this part of the password, the game is coded to accept a certain number of possible strings for each stage. So without a bit of further of ASM hacking, it will be needed to keep the same number of strings, and to keep the strings consistent when they are used. The passwords are stored as such: There is a first, middle, and last sentance-fragment, which are combined to form passwords. Pointers to the "first parts" are stored at $61322, "middle" at $614BB and "last" at $61521 (the middle part is not used for stages 1-3) For the "middle part" there is another table specifying which of the 12 possible "middle" strings are acceptible for each stage.