NOTE: Since the patch originally did not have a readme, the contents of the original post on Serenes Forest has been transcribed here. Improved FE4 Translation Patch Using Twilkitri's work as a basis, I've started undertaking the task of further improving the Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War English Translation patch. But Gharnef, why? The current patch is awesome! There are many things now officially translated by NoA in the Fire Emblem mythology which weren't when the existing patch was created. There are also a few other things the community thinks could be improved upon judging by the conversations we've had so far so we can address those too. It's cool if you don't like my patch and don't want to use it - we can still be friends! Cool! So what changes have you already made, and what's planned? •Phrases, dialog, more ?Dark God->Loptyr ?Lopt->Lopto ?Dark Warlords->Deadlords ?Arvis, you bastard!->Arvis! DAMN YOU!! ?LordKnt->KntLord ?JrLord->Lord ?JrLd->Lord ?Lord[spx]Knight[exit]->Knight[spx]Lord[exit] ?NaRgA->NaGa ?Narga->Naga ?sacred marking appear somewhere->sacred marking called the Brand appear somewhere ?"descendant of Saint Heim by the mark on her forehead."->"descendant of Saint Heim by the Brand on her forehead." ?but the existence of the markings on your->but the existence of the Brand on your ?Subdue[spx]Barhara->Subdue[spx]Belhalla ?Mummy'll be right back, 'k?->Mummy will be right back, 'kay? ?They're callin' me a traitor->They're calling me a traitor ?And Grandbell's sent troops to take me in->And Grannvale sent troops to take me in ?TOR HAMMER->MJOLNIR ?charisma->charm ?Great Shield->Pavise ?assassinated at the Grannvaler front->assassinated at the Grannvale front ?(sigh...) My boyfriend->(sniff...) My boyfriend ?"shall be done for Serli-" -> "shall be done for Seli-" ?King Eldigan -> Lord Eldigan ?(Arvis) "The Fire God Fala" -> "Crusader Fala" •Items ?THammer->Mjolnir ?Tor Hammer->Mjolnir ?Swanchik->Helswath ?Swanchika->Helswath ?Iron Cutter->Armorslayer ?Ichival->Yewfelle ?FFlame->Valflame ?Fala Flame->Valflame ?Mistoltn->Mysteltn ?Mistoltin->Mystletainn ?Lopt (weap)->Loptyr ?Narga (weap)->Naga ?Iron[spx]Cutter->Armorslayer ?Cutter->Armrslyr ?Clipper->Wingslyr ?Wing[spx]Clipper->Wingslayer ?Wing Clipper->Wing Slayer •People ?Serlis->Seliph ?Midir->Midayle ?Aideen->Adean ?Jamka->Jamke ?Fury->Ferry ?Levin->Lewyn ?Shagaal->Chagall ?Lachesis->Raquesis ?Eltshan->Eldigan ?Brigid->Briggid ?Claude->Claud ?Byron->Vylon ?Ida->Aida ?Aless->Ares ?Cuan->Quan ?Altenna->Altena ?Fin->Finn ?Trabant->Travant ?Alvis->Arvis ?Manfloy->Manfroy ?Loputousu->Loptyr ?Ira->Ayra ?Ethlin->Ethlyn ?Ardan->Arden ?Leaf->Leif ?Oifaye->Oifey ?Scathach->Ulster ?Sety (child)->Ced ?Lakche->Larcei ?Eins->Mus ?Zwei->Bovis ?Drei->Tigris ?Vier->Lepus ?Fuenf->Draco ?Sechs->Anguilla ?Sieben->Equus ?Acht->Ovis ?Neun->Simia ?Zehn->Gallus ?Elf->Canis ?Zwoelf->Porcus ?Holsety->Forseti ?Myra->Maira ?Sigyn->Cigyun •Places ?Nodion->Nordion ?Barhara->Belhalla ?Barhar (castle name)->Belhala ?Lenster->Leonster ?Silesia->Silesse ?Isaac->Isaach ?Grandbell->Grannvale ?Tilnano->Tirnano ?Tilnanogue->Tirnanog ?Grandbellian Holy Knight->Grannvale Holy Knight ?Grandbellians->Grannvalers ?Grandbellian cowards->Grannvale cowards ?Silesian->Silessian •TODO/discussion points ?Draco/Wyvern or is this all set ?bastard/dastard? ?Julius death QuOtE!1 ?What to do about Tailto, other unliked names? ?The bros have a text wrapping error. (Joha*)->Verify my fix ?Loptyr Sect -> Loptyrian? ?HiPriest -> Bishop ?Langobalt -> Langbart->Had to revert, too many letters ?Blade/sword/brand ?Ch 5 convo reptor "what are" ?Missing translations - welcomeback, ending, intro ?Graphics replacement?->holy blood, title, et cetera ?'Baldo' -> 'Baldur' et cetera ?the dialogue is all messed up if Seliph attacks Hilda in Chapter 10 ?ending freeze ?I think I noticed some weird convo re: gender of Cigyun/Maira in Ch 1 ... ? Need to review, maybe I didn't Can I try it out? Sure! Here's a link to the latest work. This is ALPHA, I haven't seen any issues in playtesting so far but if you do, please PLEASE let me know - provide screenshots, save states, etc. Just use a CLEAN Japanese ROM and Snes9x, save your current .ips file off somewhere safe and drop this file in the same directory as your ROM. Then, reload the game (not reset, that's not enough!) and enjoy.